Trick or Treat, Freak Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! After reviewing your comments and thinking about what would fit well with the story I decided for Maddie to be with Billy. Maddie needs to get out there and not stay single forever. As always I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote. Sorry for the late update and feel free to comment. Love from the author, over and out!

Maddie woke up to hearing a loud knock on her door. "Go away", Maddie mumbled trying to fall back asleep. "Come on Mads! It's Halloween!", Will shouted through the closed door. "No", Maddie said still laying down. Maddie slowly heard the door open and before she could react Will was already on top of her. "Alright! I'm up, I'm up!", Maddie stated trying to get Will off of her. After successfully removing herself from her bed, Maddie started to get ready while grumbling about how much this family does not appreciate sleep enough.

Maddie slowly exited her room and saw Jonathan making breakfast. She walked into the kitchen before sitting down on the counter next to Jonathan. "Rough night?", Jonathan questioned Maddie. "You have no idea", Maddie answered thinking back to last night. After Hopper didn't answer his phone Maddie decided to call Flo. She asked if Hopper has been working late the past couple of days. Flo told Maddie that Hopper has actually been leaving work early recently. Being the anxious person Maddie is, she stayed up thinking of every scenario that could be happening. From Hopper simply ignoring her to him being kidnapped and only being let out to work. This resulted in a major lack of sleep causing her to look like a walking corpse this morning.

After eating breakfast with Jonathan, Maddie was getting ready to leave for "school" which was actually code for stalking Hopper. Before she could leave, Maddie saw Will coming out of his room wearing his Ghostbusters costume. "He looks so cute", Maddie said to herself. "Two minutes wouldn't hurt", Maddie added still talking too herself. 

Jonathan started to take pictures of Will in his costume while Maddie and Joyce smiled. "Great. Hold up the proton blaster", Jonathan said while Will posed for the camera. "All right now turn to the light", Jonathan said taking multiple photos. "Okay get in there", Jonathan said to Joyce and Maddie. Maddie, Will, and Joyce smiled into the camera before Joyce insisted on taking a picture of all three of her children. "So much for only two more minutes", Maddie mumbled before smiling for more photos.  

When Maddie finally drove to school she was running later than usual due to her mom's excessive photo taking. She pulled into her normal parking spot to see a blue Camaro already parked next to her. When Maddie got out of her car and saw no one in the Camaro, she walked rather quickly into the school only to be stopped by a voice saying her name. "Hey Addie. Addie wait up!", Billy said jogging up next to her. "Hey, Bills", Maddie stated with a genuine smile. "Would it be too much to ask you to show me to my first class again, I just can't seem to remember where it is", Billy said with a small smirk on his face. "Oh really?", Maddie questioned teasingly. "Yeah, I mean it's just a really big school", Billy said pointing to the school. "It's very easy to get lost in", Billy finished. "I guess I could go out of my way to help you find your class, but only for today", Maddie said with a small smile. "Perfect", Billy stated with an actual smile.

"So, have you thought about the party?", Billy questioned Maddie. "Yeah, I'm not sure if I can make it", Maddie replied. "I'm taking my little brother trick-or-treating", Maddie added. "That's a shame we could have worn matching outfits", Billy teased with a smirk. "That is very hard to pass up on", Maddie replied back. "This is your stop", Maddie told Billy. "I hope you can make it. Even for a little bit", Billy stated before adding, "I'll see you later Addie" with a small smile. "Bye Bills", Maddie replied with a smile before walking towards her locker with a giddy feeling flowing through her body. 

"Hey Addie!", Nancy said as she approached Maddie with Steve. "Hey, Nance", Maddie replied back. "So are you going to the party?", Nancy questioned wiggling her eyebrows causing Maddie to chuckle. "No, I'm taking Will trick-or-treating", Maddie told Nancy. "Jonathan said it was his turn to take Will this year. So that leaves your evening open", Nancy exclaimed happily. "I'll think about it Nance", Maddie replied smiling lightly. "Great!", Nancy responded. "Hey, Stevie. Can we talk really quick?", Maddie questioned causing Steve to nod and Nancy to walk away. 

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't want to start a pointless argument over nothing. And I wasn't trying to defend the new kid, I was only saying that you should give him a chance", Maddie told Steve. "It's okay Addie. I just don't want you to get hurt. Your my best friend. I'm sorry too", Steve told Maddie receiving a quick hug. "So how are you and Nancy?", Maddie questioned Steve with a teasing smile. 

After school was let out Maddie went home quickly avoiding everyone else. As soon as Maddie walked into her house she called out to her personal therapist who exited her own room quickly. "Mom! I need your help!", Maddie shouted to Joyce. 

"Can you help me choose my outfit for tonight?", Maddie questioned receiving a nod. "Where are you going tonight?", Joyce slyly asked. "Just out trick-or-treating with Will and the kids", Maddie replied causing Joyce to look at her confused. "But it's Jonathan's year", Joyce stated. "I know but you know I like to hang out with the boys", Maddie stated dismissively. 

"Isn't there a get together tonight?", Joyce questioned Maddie who looked at her mother confused on how she knew this information. "Jonathan told me that Nancy invited you", Joyce replied casually. "Yeah I was invited, but I think I'm just going to hang with Will this year", Maddie stated while pulling out some clothes to go as "Sandy" from Grease. 

"I'm sure Will wouldn't mind you skipping this year", Joyce told Maddie. "I don't really want to drive", Maddie stated only for Joyce to reply, "Ask Nancy for a ride". "Mom", Maddie whined out. "What I'm just trying to help you get out there. When was the last time you went out?", Joyce asked Maddie. "That's so not the point", Maddie responded. "Well then don't come complaining to me about how you want to be in a relationship just like Steve and Nancy", Joyce stated only for Maddie to reply, "For your information a cute guy actually wanted me to go". As soon as this left Maddie's mouth her eyes immediately widened. "I'll get Nancy on the phone", Joyce said walking out of the room ignoring Maddie's complaining. 

A/N: We love a supportive Mom! I kind of hate this chapter but the next couple should be better. Thank you guys so much for 1,200 reads! This is insane! Love from the author, over and out!  

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