The Pollywog Part 2

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After waiting roughly twenty minutes for the AV club members to walk out, Maddie decided to head inside. Maddie walked directly to the AV club room and saw a fiery red head pounding on the door. "Excuse me", Maddie said causing the young girl to jump slightly. "Hi, are the boys in there?", Maddie added with a small smile. "Yeah, who are you?", Max questioned back. "I'm Will's sister, Maddie", Maddie responded holding her hand out for Max to shake which she did. 

"Do you mind if I try?", Maddie asked referring to the door. "Go ahead", Max replied. "Dusty! Luc! Mikey! Will! Open this door right now!", Maddie yelled causing Max to smirk already taking a liking to the girl. After hearing murmuring coming from the room, the door opened quickly while Maddie was pulled inside by Dustin causing Max to complain from the outside. "What the hell is going on?", Maddie questioned the kids. 

"I don't understand", Dustin said sadly. "What do you not understand?", Mike questioned a bit hostile. "Will and Maddie saw something that looked like Dart last year?", Lucas stated in a questionable tone. "Kind of, but there was no tail", Will said causing Maddie to nod. "But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound", Mike stated causing Maddie to ask, "Why didn't you tell us before?". "I wasn't sure", Will answered dismissively. "A coincidence?", Dustin asked trying to save his newly found friend. "Or not. What if when Will was stuck in the Upside Down, he somehow acquired True Sight?", Mike stated causing Maddie and Lucas to question, "True Sight?". 

"It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane", Dustin said simply causing Lucas to sigh before adding, "Elaborate". "Maybe these episodes that Will keeps having aren't really flashbacks at all. Maybe they're real. Maybe Will can somehow see into the Upside Down", Mike said. "So that would mean...", Lucas started for Mike to finish by stating, "Dart is from the Upside Down". "We have to take him to Hopper", Lucas said casing Mike to respond with a "I agree". 

"No way. If we take him to Hopper, Dart's as good as dead", Dustin said. "Plus Hopper has been a little preoccupied recently", Maddie stated with bitterness in her voice. "Maybe he should be dead", Mike said ignoring Maddie's comment. "How can you say that?", Dustin replied angrily. "How can you not? He's from the Upside Down", Mike stated trying to make a point. "Maybe. But even if he is, it doesn't automatically mean that he's bad", Dustin responded. 

"That's like saying just because someone's from the Death Star doesn't make them bad", Mike argued back. "We have a bond", Dustin said before Mike added, "A bond? Just because he liked nougat?". "No, because he trusts me!", Dustin shouted causing Maddie to rub her head trying to get rid of her headache from all the bickering. "He trusts you?" Lucas asked confused. "Yes, I promised I would take care of him" Dustin said before Dart started screeching. The kids ignored Max's yelling from outside while looking at the moving box.

"Don't hurt him", Dustin stated as Mike picked up a microphone. "Only if he attacks", Mike replied. "Just open it already", Lucas added. Dustin pressed the button causing Dart to emerge. Maddie slowly pushed the kids behind her while Lucas said, "Holy shit!". Dart grew legs right on the table right in front of their eyes causing Lucas to scream, "Oh shit!". 

Mike went to attack Dart causing Dustin to scream, "No!", before intervening. Dart then falls to the ground before running towards the door that Max just successfully opened. "What the...", Max starts to say before Lucas screamed, "Oh shit!" before all five of them try to chase the weird lizard-like monster. Dustin ran into Max causing Lucas to fall too. 

"Where'd he go?", Lucas asked the group. 'What was that?", Max asked panicked. "Dart", Mike replied loudly. "What?", Max questioned confused. "You let him escape!", Mike shouted at Max. "It's not her fault Mikey!", Maddie defended Max causing the girl to give her a small smile in thanks receiving a small one back. "Why did you attack him?", Dustin asked pushing Mike back slightly. "Come on", Mike responded before chasing after Dart. "Don't hurt him. Don't you hurt him!", Dustin shouted after Mike. 

The kids decided to split up each taking their own walkie-talkies with them. Maddie walked down the hallways not seeing anything. Soon enough she turned the corner to see a figure walk down the hallway. Maddie decided to follow the person since it was after hours and no one else she be here right now other than the AV club. After turning another corner Maddie caught a glimpse of the face of the figure. "El?", Maddie questioned while chocking back a sob. 

The figure started to walk away fast causing Maddie to run after it. After chasing the figure around the school for another two minutes, Maddie lost her. "El, Eleven?!", Maddie yelled. Sliding down the nearest wall, Maddie sat in silence letting the tears fall down her face thinking about how she just lost someone who was like a younger sister to her for the second time. 

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short! It is more of a filler chapter. Please feel free to comment! As always I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote. Love from the author, over and out! 

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