My name is Grace and this is my life

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my life is fucked up l have no parents no family l am all alone the only person that is in my life is my boyfriend Michael and he is abusive to me he would slap me kick me and beat the crap out of me l would have bruises on my face l would have to cover the bruises with makeup l would  always wear long sleeves and pants and he would make me clean our apartment l would have to cook for him if l didn't do a good job he would hit me and if l  actually made it right of how he wanted it  he wouldn't hit me and Michael wasn't always abusive to me l have no idea of how he got so abusive. l actually did have parents l just didn't tell you guys' l didn't want to say l was adopted l don't remember who my mum was, only knew who my dad was and he was an alcoholic he wouldn't be abusive to me only he would come home drunk and saying you look so much like your mother got the same brown hair and your mother that bitch, my dad would say the bad thing about my mum he was so drunk l couldn't understand what he was saying and that happened when my dad was still alive and to this day l don't know where he went one day l was getting the groceries for my dad and when l got home he wasn't there and what he left was only money that would last me for a couple of years and the only thing he left was my mum's car  that l had no idea why he had it and l ended up finding his wallet on the kitchen table it was his old one it had money in it and his old Driver's  license. So, with the money my dad left l went and got my own car and when l was 16 years old My dad actually went, with me to get my license (dear my readers that are reading this story and a not so  fun fact about me is l don't have a driver's license) when he wasn't drunk and when he was nice to me and that was when he actually was home with me and he didn't leave me all alone by myself in this big house with only food that would last only a week because my dad was never a cook, he would buy not very healthy food and would drink and eat pizza and some days l would have to make tea for us because my dad would say you are the women of the house so you cook clean and do everything the women does and he was a lazy prick and he would sometimes leave me alone at the house to clean while he went out and got drunk and when he would get home he would have a lady with him and l would go to my room and just read while my dad is next door to me and l would hear my dad having sex with the lady he was with and l would listen to the only thing l was allowed to have was my very old phone and listen to music l listen to rock music so l had it very loud but not to hurt my ears so l don't have  to hear my dad having sex next door to my room and then l hear the door slam and the women was gone and the next thing l know is my dad goes and check on me and so l quicky turn my music off stop reading and go to sleep l have to make sure that l am sound asleep and under my covers not all the way under just so it looks like l have been asleep all that time once my dad made sure l was asleep he closed the door and went to bed and that day was the last day l had with my dad not home and l had the house to myself no mum and no dad and with the money l had left that my dad had l got my own apartment l couldn't live in the house that my dad had and l wanted to live on my own but not in a house but in an apartment and one day l was driving around in the city in my car l saw this nice Cafe and l went inside l got something to eat and this guy came up to me and he asked if he could sit with me and since l am a nice person and not the kind of person to say no so l let  him sit with me and  we started talking  and l found out we liked the same things we both love dogs and hate cats love pizza but don't like pineapple on pizza the only thing we had in common is we both had a dad that was an alcoholic and both of us don't have a mum in our lives well l don't know where my mum is l don't even know if she is even alive.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       l asked for his name and he told me his name is Michael and he didn't give me a last name. He asked for my name l told him that my name is Grace Mae. We ordered food and l got hot chocolate and a muffin and he just had a coffee and he offered to buy it for me so l didn't worry about it and let him buy it for me after we exchanged numbers and started talking again about random things and after that we went our separate ways l went home to my apartment and he went somewhere l didn't care to ask where he just left. 

hey everyone reading this story of mine hope you liked it l will be writing more stuff about grace and Michael more about them meeting and up to when he starting being abusive haven't really got up to getting more into this l am not really good at writing stories l have a hard time thinking of a story to write and how to write it?  No one has abused me l just don't want to offend anyone, by writing about someone being abused or being abusive.                                                                               but l hopes you like my story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 bye for now 

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