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Valerie King

When I got home, I expected to see Justin there for our big talk, he said we needed to have. I hurried all the way from Aria's place only to find that he wasn't home so that meant are little talk had to wait a little longer. I sighed, putting my purse on the table beside the door and walked toward the living room. I literally crashed onto the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table, before turning on the television and flipping through the channels.




I went at it for about ten minutes before realizing that there was nothing good to watch. It got boring after a while so I just sat there thinking. I was spacing out, something I usually did when something made me nervous. What did Justin want to talk about? Was it about us? could have been. I hated not knowing, but sometimes not knowing was the best way to go. I shook my head from these thoughts and got up from the couch, I was making my way upstairs into our bedroom.

I couldn't be thinking about negative thoughts I mean it was just going to stress me out even more. And whatever Justin wanted to talk about I'm sure it wouldn't't be that bad, we did get into arguments here and there but, we always stood strong. I walked into my bedroom, walking pass the bed, not noticing anything and not giving it a second glance. I was going to take a shower cause It had been a very long day for me, and I always got my best ideas when I was in the shower. Sometimes I would talk to myself, yeah call me weird.


After 30 minutes, I got out of the shower and put on a robe and a towel in my hair. I walked out into the bedroom, letting the cold air hit my face. It felt good. It was dark in the bedroom and the only light I could see was the light from the open door bedroom. I was going to walk to my dresser to get some clothes but, then I realized that something red was on my bed. I walked closer to it, trying to figure out the shape.I grabbed it and saw that It was a rose, and on it was a written note. I came to the closer to the bathroom light so I could read it.

Meet me at the beach at 9. Wear something nice. I love you so much beautiful. - Justin

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in pure joy and did a weird dance around the bedroom. The feeling of reading that note was indescribable. I was more than just happy. I knew what was going to come tonight, Justin is finally going to propose to me. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my phone to call Aria. I was so excited, couldn't't you tell?

"Hello Va---"

She didn't't have time to answer cause I screamed at her. "JUSTIN IS GOING TO PROPOSE TO ME TONIGHT!" While I was saying this I began jumping up and down like a dumb ass.

"Wait, how do you know?"  I didn't really like the tone of her voice, she didn't't seem very happy for me at all. What kind of best friend is that? I mean I was going to get engaged here?

"Um, I just know and why are you in such a negative mood?" I said in a harsh tone. I was kind of getting pissed off at her at this moment.

"Because I think your boyfriend is a liar, and you're stupid to even notice"

"NOTICE WHAT? AND HOW DARE YOU! I THOUGH I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND, WHAT A FAKE JEALOUS BITCH YOU ARE!" And that's all I said before slamming my thumb hard on the end button and threw my phone onto the ground. At the moment, I hated Aria. She was just jealous that I had someone to love and she didn't.

I walked back up the stairs not wanting to think about what just happened. Aria and I never ever in a million years fought like that. We were best friends and even though we had our ups and downs but, nothing close to this. I suddenly felt bad for what I had said, but it was too late to take it back now.I sighed and walked into the bedroom, getting ready for tonight.

If only I knew.

If only...

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