5. Dig dug

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It was nearly 7:30 pm by the time you reached Steve's house. You knocked on the door.
"Hey." Steve opened it.
"What do you need?" You ask, standing on his front porch.
"Nothing. I... I just needed company." Steve stuttered.
"Why?" You ask. "Your parents aren't home?"
"No, it's not like that." He smiled, letting you in.
"Then what is it?" You walk in.
"I... have you seen Nancy, at all today?" Steve asked.
"Steve, she's okay. She said she's going to Stacey's tonight." You answer. "Or was it Ally's?"
"But have you seen her?" Steve asked, sitting on his couch.
"Only this morning." You follow.
You sat down next to him, shaking your leg.
"Uh, how long, do you want me to stay here?" You ask.
"As long as you can." Steve mumbled.

5:25 am
You woke up in an unfamiliar place. You groaned as you got up from a couch.
"Wha-" You mutter to yourself.
You rub your eyes as you realize you spent the night at Steve's.
"Good morning." Steve said, walking in.
"What?" You groan.
You got up from his couch, grabbed your satchel and headed to the door.
"Hey, hey, hey, where are you going?" Steve said, following you.
"Home?" You grabbed the door knob. "My Mom, I didn't tell her where I was going.
"Oh, okay." Steve said, backing away.
You opened the door, ran to your car and drove back home.

As soon as you got home, you heard Mom panicking.
"Mom?" You rushed into the living room.
"Y/n! Where the hell have you been?"'Mom hugged you.
"I.. I stayed at a friends." You hug her back. "Where's Mike?"
"At the Byers house." She said, backing away.
"Oh. Okay." You smile before walking upstairs.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Mom said, making you turn around.
"Tell you... what?" You ask.
"You we're going to a friends." Mom crossed her arms.
"I'm sorry, he said it was urgent." You said softly.
"Who's he?" Dad popped out of nowhere.
"I.. Where's Nancy?" You ask, stalling time.
"At Ally's." Mom said. "Who's he?"
"Steve." You said before heading upstairs. "He... he needed advice."

You ran into your room, dropped off your stuff and threw on a sweater and sweats.
"Mom!!" You yell. "I'm going for a walk!"
You exited your home, walking around your neighborhood.
"Oh, hey Dustin!" You smile as he walked out of your house.
"Oh, son of a bitch." He muttered to himself.
"What? What's wrong?" You ask.
"Out of all the Wheelers.." He said. "C'mon."
You follow Dustin until this maroon red car stopped near your house. You saw Steve coming out with roses, muttering to himself.
"Love you, I'm sorry." He said to himself. " 'I'm sorry'? What the hell am I sorry for."

"Steve." Dustin walked to Steve, you followed behind. "Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?"
"No?" Steve replied, looking at you.
"Good." Dustin said, snatching the roses
"Hey, hey!" Steve yelled. "What the hell?"
"Nancy isn't home." You look at him before following Dustin.
"Where is she?" He looked at you.
"Doesn't matter." Dustin said, walking towards Steve's car. "We have bigger problems than your love life."
You snicker while you walk towards Steve's car.
"Do you still have that bat?" Dustin asked, unlocking Steve's car.

"Bat? What bat?" Steve asked.
"The one with the nails." Dustin shook his arms.
"Why?" Steve questioned.
"I'll explain it on the way." Dustin said.
"Now?" Steve ran to his car as you entered it.
"Now!" Dustin screamed.

"Where are we going?" You ask.
"My house." Dustin said.
Dustin grabbed his walkie-talkie.
"Hello? Does anyone copy? This is a code red. Over." Dustin said.

Stranger Things | s2 | y/n pov Where stories live. Discover now