2. Trick or Treat, Freak

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1984, October 31st - 7:10 am
"Y/n!" Mom yelled, "Breakfast!"
You got up from your sheets, drenched in nightmare sweat, and checked your alarm clock.
You got up from your bed, running downstairs to smell pancakes and eggs.
"Good morning, Mom," You smile, sitting down.
You look over to the living room to see Mike in his GhostBuster's costume.
"You look so adorable," You laugh.
"Whatever," Mike scoffed as Mom came over with a camera.

"Alright, that's the last one," Mike groaned.
"No, just one more," Mom smiled, flicking the polaroid picture, "Come on, please?"
You walk over to the living room hallway, watching Mom take pictures of Mike.
"Oh, now that one's a keeper," you smile, holding one of the photos.
"Can I go to school?" Mike complained.
"Wait, wait," Mom said, "Okay, say, 'Who you gonna call?' "
"No!" Mike refused.
"C'mon Mike, for the picture." You cross your arms.

"You're such a middle schooler," you laugh at Mike, while walking upstairs.
You slid on your autumn orange knitted sweater, along with your jeans, and snatched your keys.
"Nancy!" you shout, "C'mon!"
"Steve's driving me today!" Nancy yelled back.
"No, he isn't! Mom told me to drive you," you reply, as she walked down with her things.
"C'mon, hurry up," You shoo her into the car.
Nancy sat in the front seat, flattening her pants.
"Did you see Mike's costume?" you laugh, slamming the breaks.
"Whoa...yeah, it's stupid." Nancy chuckled a bit.

"M'kay, bye bye," You wave at Nancy as she scurried to the library.
You walked towards the school, clutching onto your bag.
"Hey," a voice came behind you, tapping your shoulder.
"Oh," you cough, turning around, "Hey, Jonathan."
"Happy Halloween," He chuckled.
"Happy...whatever, are you coming?" you ask, "To Tina's party?"
"Maybe, I don't know," Jonathan laughed.
"C'mon, come!" You poke his shoulder. "I don't wanna be alone."
"You...you have Nancy!" Jonathan looked at you.
"Yeah, totally. She's gonna be hanging out with Steve, most of the time," you scoff.

3:20 pm
You walked out of the high school building, looking for Nancy. You walked over to your car after a few minutes of searching. After you threw your things in the back seat, you look out again, searching for Nancy. You sigh after not finding her. In the distance, you see Billy, standing next to his car. You saw the same girl, you assume that's his little sister. Maybe she's the same grade as Mike. You quickly look away, after making immense eye contact with that Billy kid.
You turned on your engine and drove home.

"Okay, Mike, be careful, alright?" you heard Mom say to Mike.
"I know, I will," Mike replied before opening the door.
You skidded downstairs.
"Bye, Mike!" you smile, saluting to him.
Mike, Dustin and Lucas exited the door quickly, with their GhostBusters gear.
"Hey, Mom, what do you think?" you ask her, spinning in your costume.
"It's cute, honey," Mom smiled.
"Thanks Mom," You smile back before walking upstairs.

You walked past Nancy's room, she was on the phone with someone. Probably Steve. You briefly look at her outfit. She looked like a waiter, with her white shirt, and black tie.
You walked into your room, checking the time.
6:21 pm
You grabbed your jacket before calling out to Nancy.
"Nancy!" you yell, "Let's go!"
"Steve's driving." Nancy said quickly as she exited her room.
"What?" you gasp, "I thought I was driving."
"Change of plans," Nancy replied, walking out the door.
"Be safe!" Mom shouted.
"We will!" you yell back, shutting the door behind you.

As soon as you entered Tina's house, the stench of sweaty teenagers, body odor, drinks, candy, and cologne drowned you.
"Hey, hey! Nancy, where are you going?" You threw your hands in the air.
You heard the song, Shout at the Devil playing in Tina's house.

Stranger Things | s2 | y/n pov Where stories live. Discover now