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1984, October 29th -
"What the hell are you doing?" you heard Nancy yell.
Curious of what's going on, you rush out of your bedroom to see Nancy standing at her door way.
"I'll pay you back!" Mike yelled as he quickly ran out of Nancy's room.
"Bye!" Mike yelled.
"Mike!" Nancy scoffed.
You watched as Nancy glared at you before she started chasing after Mike.
"Wait...wait for me!" you scream.

"Mike! Get back here!" Nancy yelled as you followed behind.
"Hey. No running in the house," Dad shouted.
"What is going on?" Mom asked.
"I don't even know!" You turn around before running outside.
"Mike! Mike!" Nancy hollered.
You watch as Nancy tried to chase Mike, who was already zooming away on his bike.
"Asshole!" Nancy yelled, standing her ground.
"You go, Mike! What ever you did, you go!" you cheered for him.
Nancy turned around, looking at you before walking back inside.
"Hey, wait!" you smile.

"What happened?" You tail Nancy as she walked upstairs.
Nancy just ignored you, slamming her door in your face.
"Who's the asshole now!" You bang the door.
You walk back to your room, continuing what you were doing. It was the twenty-ninth of October. Three days until Halloween. You were looking for a good costume.

You reach for your notebook, filled with Halloween costume ideas.
- Ghostbusters
- Vampire
- Pumpkin
- The Terminator
- Police
- ...
You threw your notebook across the room, groaning at the lack of ideas.

7:24 am
You just got your own car a few months ago, now you could actually drive yourself to school instead of walking or carpooling with Jonathan
You jumped into your car, starting the engine as Nancy hopped into Steve's car. As soon as you got to school, you quickly park your car in your usual spot. You grab ahold of your bags and exited your car.
The season was a little chilly, autumn has always been your favorite though. As you walked closer to Hawkins High building. You notice Nancy reading papers in Steve's car. You were too tired to say anything, so you just ignored.

You stopped by a bench in the parking lot, realizing you might've forgotten something.
You frantically look through your satchel. Suddenly, loud screeching car engines blocked out your ears.
You look out to see a sleek expensive black car, playing rock-hard music, over-speeding in the parking lot.
You notice a ginger girl sitting in the front seat, along with a ginger guy. You drop your bag on the bench, focusing on the car.
You look as the driver got out. He was wearing blue jeans, a beige shirt, brown belt, and a blue jean jacket to top it off. He seems like a douche at first sight. Great, just another Steve Harrington this school year.

You looked at him as he turned around, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth. You quickly look away as soon as his gaze fell on you.
"Oh crap," you mutter to yourself as you grab your satchel and walked away.
You ran into the school, right when the bell rang.

"Alright class, today, we have a new student joining us," Mrs. Thompson said as she fixed her jacket.
You look up, trying to see who's in the front. You quickly look away, remembering it's the same guy as before.
"Hey," a voice said next to you, "Wheeler."
"Hmm?" You turn to your left, it's Steve.
"Can I borrow a pencil?" Steve asked as he scrunched his face.
Why is everyone always asking a pencil? You handed him a freshly sharpened pencil as Mrs. Thompson introduced the new kid to class.
"Meet, Billy Hargrove," she said, her face flustered and red.
You pull out your math note book and pencil, ready to get school over with.

11:20 am
"Hey. Be there," A voice said in front of the door as you walked out. You turn to see Tina, passing out flyers for her stupid annual Halloween Bash. What's even worse, is that she didn't bother to invite you or Jonathan.
"Hey, Nancy," Tina smiled as she passed her a flyer.
"Hey! Thanks," Nancy smiled, "Oh, could I get two more?"
"Yeah, sure," Tina said, passing her two flyers.

"I know who those are for," you nudge Jonathan on the shoulder.
He just laughed as Nancy caught up with us, quickly throwing us the flyers.
"Oh," You gasp, grabbing the flyer, "why thank you."
"You two are coming to this," Nancy smiled.
" 'Come and get sheet faced' " Jonathan read aloud, "No, I'm not"
"Hey, Jonathan," You tap his shoulder,"If you go, I'll go."
"Yeah!" Nancy smiled, "Besides, I can't let you sit all alone on Halloween. Thats just not acceptable."
"Well, you can relax. I'm not gonna be alone," Jonathan reassured Nancy, "I'm going trick-or-treating with Will."
"All night?" You turn to Jonathan.
"Yeah," He replied.
"No, no way. You're gonna be home by 8:00," Nancy laughed, "Listening to the Talking Heads, and reading Vonnegut or something."
"Sounds like a nice night," Jonathan shrugged his shoulders.

"Jonathan, just come. I mean, who knows, you might even, like, meet someone," Nancy said as she unlocked her locker.
"Yeah, meet someone, nice, and special," you said to Jonathan in a playful tone.
Suddenly, Nancy shrieked as Steve picked her up.
"Oh, my God! Take those stupid things off," Nancy said, leaning in for a hug.
"I've missed you," Steve smiled big as he took off his sunglasses.
"It's been like an hour," Nancy laughed
"Gross," You whisper into Jonathan's ear.
"Tell me about it," Steve asked Nancy.
You look at Jonathan. You notice how he looks at Nancy.
"Hey, Jonathan?" You snap your fingers," Snap out of it man."
"What...what?" Jonathan blinked.

You grabbed Jonathan's arm as Nancy kissed Steve.
"I'm not blind, you like Nancy," You stated.
"What? No. What?" Jonathan laughed.
"I've seen the way you looked at her," You said
"What way?" he laughed, putting his hands in his pockets.
"The exact way, Steve looks at Nancy, duh."
"No, no, don't say that, Y/n," Jonathan chuckled.
You walk down the hall with Jonathan, dropping him off to his next class.
"Yo," You pulled on his jacket, "better you see at that party."
Jonathan smiled at you before he walked into class. You walked through the crowded halls to your next class

7:30 pm
"After dinner, I want you to pick out your toys for the yard sale," Mom said to Mike.
"Fine," Mike said in a flat tone, forking his food.
"Two boxes' worth," Mom added.
"Two boxes?" Mike repeated.
"You heard me."
"I'm fine with you giving away a couple," Mike said as Holly gulped down some meat strips, "but the other ones have way to much emotional value."

You forked your room, looking at Mom and Mike.
"Emotional value?" Mom repeated.
"They're hunks of plastic, Michael," Dad said, mid-way chewing.
"You already took away my Atari," Mike raised his voice.
"If you didn't wanna lose anymore toys, you should have stolen from Nancy," Mom shook her head.
"I didn't steal. I borrowed," Mike said.
"Oh, and you didn't curse out Mr. Kowalski last week either, right?" Mom said.

"Why do I always have to get punished? Why not Y/n?" Mike complained.
"What did I do?" You jerk your head up.
"You're always smoking weed or something with your friends!"
Mike yelled.
"What?" Mom turned her head to you.
"What? What are you talking about Mike?" you scoff. "I...I don't smoke!"
"I'll deal with you later." Mom looked at you, "For now, you didn't plagiarize that essay? Or graffiti the bathroom stall?"
Mikes eyes gazed off as Mom went on, and on with all the messed up things he's done.

"Everyone graffitis the bathroom stall," Mike looked at Mom.
"So if your friend jumps off a cliff, you're gonna jump, too?" Dad asked.
"Look, we know you've had a hard year, Michael," Mom said as Mike let out a sigh, "But we've been patient. This isn't strike one. This isn't even strike three."
"It's strike twenty. You're on the bench, son," Dad said, "And if it's been my coach, you'd be lucky to still be on the team."
"Two boxes. Two," Mom said as you got up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Mom asked.
"Probably to smoke something." Mike muttered.
"Up to my room?" You smile awkwardly, ignoring Mike's comment.
"To do what?" Mom took a bite of broccoli.
"Homework," you answer before running upstairs.
You walk past Nancy's room, remembering she's at dinner with Barb's parents. You quickly jumped onto your bed, grabbing your sketch book. You started sketching out costume ideas. None of them pleased you. You flicked off your bedroom light, before falling asleep.

Stranger Things | s2 | y/n pov Where stories live. Discover now