Chapter 1: When Midnight and Dusk Collide

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April 1st, 2024 Floor 28: Wolf Plains

Kirito was exploring the wolf plains to level up. He then suddenly heard sword slashing sounds. He then headed up a hill where it was coming from. He then found a girl in a purple-and-red-trim outfit, she didn't seem to be wearing too much armor.  All she wore was a simple chestplate for protection. He then saw that one monster was about to hit her from behind, she wasn't noticing because she was far too busy trying to pull out her sword out of the one in front of her. Kirito then leaped into action and took down the beast.

"Thanks..." said the girl as she slashed down her enemy, "...I really needed that."

"You're welcome." said Kirito, "That ugly one almost had you. Good thing that I was here."

"'s really hard at solo-playing without dying."

Kirito's eyes widened in shock.  Another player, like him, is on their own.  He could remember the last guy who was at first like a solo-player.

"R-really..." he said, "'re a solo-player?"

"Yup." said the girl, smiling, "Solo-player. Are you?"


The girl complimented on Kirito having nice moves back there.  It took her a couple strikes here and there to kill just one, but for him, it had only taken like only a few. 

"What's your level?" she finally asked.

Kirito flinched for a second.  He found himself trapped in his own mind until the girl broke his deep concentration.

"Hello?" said the girl, waving her hand over Kirito's face, "Helloooo?"

"Oh, sorry." he said, shaking the thought away, "I'm at..."

He didn't know what to do. He didn't want her reaction to become a suspicion. He looked at his health bar looking at his level.

[                                       / (Health bar :p)


Level: 38

Kirito then looked back at the girl. He saw her smile. It was a smile he hadn't seen like either in a long time or really, never. He couldn't lie to such an innocent girl. He then took a deep breath.

"Level 38." he said with confidence.

"Whoa! I'm only at level 27!" said the girl was surprised, "How did you ever get that high?!"

Kirito got a bit more nervous. Wondering if he should tell her that he's not just a solo-player, the solo-player, as if, the Beater, the only solo-player who survived this long. He then sighed.

"I'm this strong..." he said, "...because...*sigh*...I'm the Beater."

Kirito closed his eyes calmly, expecting an insult which he gets everyday of his in-game life. He then opens one eye, then the other, seeing that the girl was not angry, disgusted, or anything negative. She still kept her smile.

"What?" he said, "Aren't you...well...ashamed of me?"

"Of course not." replied the girl, "Not all players hate you."

"Oh, well, thanks."

"You're welcome.  I'm Yuuki by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Yuuki. It's probably obvious that you already know my name, but I'll say it either way.  My name's Kirito."

"Nice to meet you, Kirito."

Kirito let out a tiny smile. He then began to walk away.

"See ya." he said.

"Wait." said Yuuki, "For saving me, can I...take you to out to dinner? You know, for saving my life."


"Oh, pretty please?"

The girl then suddenly had doggy eyes on her.  Kirito looked away for a split second.  He then looked back.  Yuuki was far too cute to turn down.

"Fine." Kirito said with a smile.

"Yes!" Yuuki said in joy.

Floor 11: Taft

The two headed to Taft. Despite Yuuki was to take Kirito, he chose the place. The two began to eat their food.  Yuuki was glad that Kirito got to choose.  After a bit, she finally lowered her hand that had a fork in it, and looked up at Kirito.

"Hey, Kirito?" asked Yuuki.

"Yes, Yuuki?" replied Kirito.

"You know...I've...I-I've only been solo-playing this for only a few months..."

"Wait, solo-playing for only a few months?"


Kirito then thought that she must've not just suddenly jumped into SAO.  Any place producing the game is most likely shut down by now.  And she was in her mid-late 20s in her levels.  Only one accurate thought popped in Yuuki's head.

"'re in a guild?" he asked.

A tint of sadness struck in Yuuki's eyes. Kirito couldn't help, but felt a bit guilty. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings.

"S-sorry..." he started, "...I-I-"

"It's fine." said Yuuki, "Me and a few friends of mine, the Sleeping Knights. We were after a rare metal to forge a weapon. We found it...but it costed my friends' friend was about to die, I tried to get in front...but my friends pushed me away...taking the hits for me...repaying me for all the hits that I took...for them..."

"I'm very sorry to hear that."



"Can do I say this? Can...c-can I party up with you? And we together."

Kirito then thought about it. He saw that this girl worked very hard at trying to be a solo-player.  He knew that solo-players were rare to be found, let alone daring to even try.  And Yuuki didn't look the type to join any other guild, for it'd only hurt her even more.

"Sure..." he said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you!" said Yuuki with a smile.

She then lunged herself at Kirito and hugged him tightly.  Kirito laughed as he patted her back that was covered by her purple hair.


Thanks for Reading!

Nice partner, huh?

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