Chapter 15: The End of the World

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After they defeated the 74th floor boss, everyone collapsed in just pure exhaustion. Kirito and Yuuki laid their backs against each other.

"How many did we lose?" asked Kirito, still panting.

"14." said Asuna as he pulled out the death marks.

"Oh my gosh..." said Agil as he laid on the floor.

"Will we ever make it to the top?" asked Klein.

Yuuki then turned, she then saw her in-game husband. He seemed to have his weapon still out.

"Kirito?" she asked in confusion, "Something wrong?"

"Forgive if this goes wrong." replied Kirito and took off and dashed right for Heathcliff.


Kirito then went for the Commander's head. Soon, a purple barrier popped up, causing Kirito to bounce off, but keeps his balance. Everyone then saw the icon.

[Immortal Object]

"C-commander?" asked Asuna in fear, "Wh-what's going on? What a-are you?"

"Expected no less from you, Kirito, my dear." smirked Heathcliff.

"I should be saying the same to you...Kayaba Akiho."

Everyone gasped at what Kirito just said.

"Now that my reintroduction is over," said Kayaba "I dare to ask, how'd you figure it out."

"Honestly, it was TOO hard, nor TOO easy to find a coward like you." said Kirito, looking fierce towards Kayaba, "1; Back at our duel, when I was about to jab you, there was a moment when you were TOO fast. Only someone who played SAO longer than anyone else could've pulled this off, but really, you artificially boosted yourself up to surpass my speed. 2; You're the only player who hardly has had any kind of scratch while the rest of us look like we've seen a freaking war everytime we fight."

"How could you have done this?!" shouted Yuuki, Kirito used his free hand to grab his in-game wife's arm, "We trusted you!"

"See," said Kayaba, pointing at Yuuki, "this is the hate and anger and power I was expecting about 25 floors in the future, but now..."

Suddenly, everyone, except Kirito, fell. Kirito cradled Yuuki in his arms, he then saw a paralysis icon on her and everyone else.

"Kirito..." groaned Yuuki as s=he tries to grip his hand.

"What now?" asked Kirito, "Are you just going to kill us all?"

"Oh, no." said Kayaba, "Then, once the others reach the top, well, that's if...they do, they would only be flies to me. No, I'll go up ahead and wait for you all on Floor 100, well...all except for you, my dear."

Klein, Agil, Asuna, and Yuuki all stared in shock at Kayaba, then they turned to the Black Swordsman with deep concern in their eyes and fear for him.

"But..." said Kayaba, "...I'll give you a chance."

"Chance?" asked Kirito and Yuuki.

"A reward of a kind; a one-on-one match. For me, no Admin Privileges. Just skill against skill alone, beat me, and the game shall be cleared. What do you say?"

"Kirito..." said Yuuki.

"'s okay..." said Kirito with a smile, "...I'll be fine. I promise."

"On second thought," said Kayaba, "I'll make an exception; A two-on-one match, if one dies and the other's HP bar reaches the red zone, I'll be waiting for you."

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