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Eleanor's POV

*2 Weeks Before the Concert*

"Chloe!! You should come to my house ASAP! I need your help on picking out what I should wear for the concert in 2 weeks. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!", I squealed to Chloe through my phone.

"Hello to you too El, how about this, let's head down to the mall near to your house, and we shall see what outfits would make you look really good in the eyes of those lads", Chloe replied though the phone nonchalantly.

"You're such a life save Chloe! You know I'm not really good in fashion so basically I'm freaking out right now. I really want them to look my way even though it's only for 5 seconds".

"No worries, I'll help you, after all, since I can't go to their concert then I would want my bestfriend to at least snuck a band member for me after the concert, right?", Chloe said enthusiastically.

" I swear, you're the bestfriend any girl could have", I replied.

"You're welcome, so shall we meet in The Groove in an hour?", Chloe asked.

"Yeah! That's completely fine with me". I replied, and after that I said good-bye to Chloe so that I could at least fix my room and shower.

"El! Hurry up! I'll come with you and Chloe to The Groove to find some outfits for the concert of The Unknowns", Abby barged inside my room without knocking.

"Can you please knock, and who told you that you can just barged into my room?" I asked exasperated.

"Whatever! Let's go! The concert is in two weeks. No one wants to look like the drag queen in front of those gorgeous guys, am I right?", Abby said while clapping her hands together, that's actually one of the things that you'll notice about Abby when you hang out with her. Whenever she wants something to be done really quick, she'll clap her hands until you do what she wants.

"Fine! I'm coming, just give me 10 minutes to take a shower, and fix myself for our shopping spree in The Groove", I said while getting my butt off my bed, and towards the shower.

"Fine, be quick. I'll be waiting for you in my car", Abby said while going out the door of my bedroom.

While I was taking a bath, there was one thing that clicked into my mind. It's not everyday that I get Abby to hang out with me. When we were children, that's probably before grade 7, we hang out almost everyday, but when we got into grade 7, she will always make excuses on why she can't hang out with me. There was a time when I confronted her on why she doesn't like to hang out with me anymore, and the answer that I got from her is that she feels awkward that she looks exactly like me because apparently she wants to be Miss Popular, and how can you do that when you keep hanging out with someone like me, and look exactly like someone who doesn't even know what fashion is, right? It was in grade 8 that she completely changed how she looks like. From then on, she got to be head cheerleader. She also had multiple boyfriends who also belong to the popular group.

Furthermore, what hurts the most is that not because she doesn't want to look like me and hang out with me anymore, what really hurts is that she didn't give a shit when I was bullied. It was her group of friends who keep on bullying me in grade 8, and just to see her stand there, like she didn't see me being bullied by her friends, just hurts a lot. I was always thankful of Danielle because whenever he was around, my bullies would stop since he's a senior, and most lower classmen are afraid of seniors, especially when that certain senior happens to be the Student Council President. Yes! Danielle was the Student Council President during his time, and I was so proud of him because I know that he deserves it more than anyone. It was also because of Danielle that I was inspired to run for Student Council President that despite the fact that my opponent was also head on very intelligent and responsible, I still got the courage to run for that position. To my surprise I did won that position, and now I'm also the Student Council President. If you're wonder how could someone who used to be bullied would become the Student Council President, then to clarify things up, let me mention what I did to stop the bullying. After Danielle died from that car crash, I gave into Chloe and James' offer to transform me into a better-looking person. Not that I look that bad but it's just that because I don't usually fit in with the crowd due to my horrendous outfits before, that students from my school would miss out on my looks. In fact, the moment when I first entered our school with make up and chic outfits, the students from my school had to do a double take since at first glance I was sure that they weren't able to recognize me. From then on, they stopped the bullying, and some of them even befriended me. Despite it all, I was still not happy, because part of the reason why I got a make over was because I want my twin sister back.

After all that realizations inside the shower, I then opt up and started to get dress myself up, and headed to Abby's car.

"What took you so long?", Abby asked while raising her perfectly arched eyebrow.

"I did not take that long though, it was only more or less 10 minutes.", I stated while looking at my watch to be sure.

"Fine! You win! I'm just messing up with you sis" Abby said to me while starting her car.

"If you don't mind Abby, I just want to ask why all of a sudden you want to hang out with me? Not to be rude but don't you have like your popular friends to ask to go shopping with you?" I asked Abby.

"Well, the thing is that, I feel like I have not been the best twin sister in the world, and now that we're adults, I feel like it's time to make it up to you. I know that I was stupid, and I was selfish, and at some point, I just want us to be able to go back when we were still children", she said while keeping her eyes on the road. I know that even though she can't look at me at the moment, but I have this deep feeling that she meant what she said.

"I'm really sorry. I know that it's quite hard to forgive me after everything, but I promise to make it up to you someday El", Abby said while parking her car, and I didn't even notice that I didn't say anything throughout the whole car ride.

"I forgive you", I stated firmly. Despite what Abby did in the past, I still couldn't afford to not forgive her because after all she is my twin sister.

"Really? Thank you so much El! I promise you that you won't regret it", Abby hugged me after we got out inside her car.

I then spotted Chloe from our usual meet up place in The Groove, and I know even from afar that she's giving me the "Why the hell are you with her" look.

"So did I miss anything? Why is it that you and Abby are buddy – buddy now?", Chloe asked me when Abby excused herself to go to the restroom.

"I'll tell you everything later I promise", I said to Chloe.

Authors Note:

This chapter is more on Eleanor and Abigail's relationship. Although this is more of a filler chapter I still think that this chapter is very necessary since it explains some things that went on with the life of Eleanor from the past. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Also comment what is your favorite band at the moment. Feedbacks are also welcome and highly appreciated. Love you guys!

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