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Eleanor's POV

I was getting my Calculus Textbook from my locker when...

"Hey El! Did you get your tickets for The Unknowns' concert next month?" My bestfriend Chloe Johnson snapped me out of my daydream, which is mainly, consist of The Unknowns.

"Oh my gosh! Yes I did! I got the VIP ticket for their Rock Out Tour, and believe me, words can't describe how excited I am right now to finally see them live", I replied with enthusiasm while jumping up and down.

"I'm so jealous of you right now, my mom actually gave me the money for their concert but sadly, I wasn't able to get even one ticket for their concert since their tickets have been sold out in less than 20 minutes, nonetheless, I'm happy for you babe, you deserve it, I guarantee you that if there is one person in the world who is more deserving to watch them perform live, it would be you", I hugged Chloe since let's face it, it's not everyday that you would hear something this sweet from Chloe.

"That's so sweet of you, if only I was able to get more tickets I will give them to you too Chloe, however, I only got two, one for me, and one for my twin sister", I sighed. For those of you wondering, yes, I do have a twin sister, and her name is Abigail Davis, however, we do not look a like since she usually wear brown contacts, while my eyes are light blue, and she has dyed her hair into black, while mine is Brown.

"No offense, but your twin sister isn't that big of a fan by The Unknowns unlike us", Chloe replied immediately.

"Yeah you're right but I can't do anything about it since the money that was used to buy the tickets are from our parents so when I asked them three months ago if I could watch their concert next month, Abby also asked them since it wouldn't be fair that I'll be the only one who gets to watch concert", I replied with a bored tone in my voice, since me and Abby aren't always buddy — buddy since she belongs to the popular group, while I prefer to say lowkey most of the time, but I guess we're okay, not just very close which is quite ironic since we are twins after all.

"Hey El! Chloe! How's it going?! So what are you guys talking about?", James Mcmurphy, one of my guy friends bumped my shoulders while ruffling my hair. James actually is my childhood bestfriend, and at some point I've had a huge crush on him, but now, I only look at him as my brother.

"Hey Hershey! We're talking about The Unknowns, and guess what?! I got VIP tickets for their concert here in California next month! Ghad!! I'm so happy, if only I could bring Chloe with me, then it would make everything perfect", I squealed at the top of my lungs, and I think most of the student body in our school have probably heard it, anyway, if you're wondering, my nickname for James is Hershey since me and James have this common love for Hersheys chocolates.

"She's so lucky isn't she?", Chloe asked James.

"Yeah, yeah! Whatever. I still think that their lead vocalist is a douche, I've heard rumors about him being mean to some of his fans. Anyway, I got to go, I've to finish my homework for history that will be due to today", James said.

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