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Bryce's POV

"Hey John! I think we should take a break! We're tired, and we've been rehearsing nonstop for the concert next month", Ben said to John our manager, and also the owner of the Rock Records, Ben's like our dad in the band, he's the most organized one, and probably the one who keeps us from doing something that would be bad for our image. Actually I despise Ben sometimes, he might be my bestfriend but he's usually the reason why I can't do drugs anymore since he would usually blab on how dangerous that is. Our fans up to now still have no idea that I do drugs, and go to clubs every time I get the chance. In their minds, I'm usually the quite and shy one since I don't usually go out, and my life is very private. What they don't know is that, I usually put up a disguise, and if I might say, I'm very good at it since I have not been caught up by paparazzi's before.

"Sure guys! Go ahead, and take a break for the mean time, I'm sure your fans will love to not see you guys tired during the concert", John responded while he was talking to our producer.

"Yeah! Besides, the fans will love us anyway, despite what we do in front of them on stage, they'll forgive us sooner than you can finish saying our band name", I said from where I'm standing which is at the center of the stage.

"Dude! That's not cool! You do not have the right to say those things to our fans!", Mike immediately said. If you ask me, Mike is the one in our band that treasures our fans the most. However, he's usually mistaken to be the lady's man in our band since he likes to go clubbing so he's the least favorite among the four of us, but that's just how he is since that's his way to unwind from all the stress that we get from our career, and besides the rumors about him banging up some girls in the clubs isn't true and completely made up by those ungrateful people who would want to tear us down. Those pictures that have been taken with Mike around girls doesn't mean anything, those girls are the ones who throw themselves at hi,, and being the polite person that he is, he would buy them a drink and after those girls get intoxicated, he would bring them to their hotels, but never once did Mike slept with them. People just assume that since he buys them drinks and bring them to their hotels then he would be sleeping with them. What our fans don't know is that whenever I say something bad about our fans, he's usually the one who would make me shut the hell up. In fact, there was one time when I said something mean about our fans, and he made me say sorry to her, luckily though, that girl didn't release any statement to the media about what my attitude really is, since Mike asked her to keep it a secret.

"Yeah bro, ever since Melanie......"

"Shut the hell up Charles! Never bring Melanie into this conversation, you do not know what it feels like to lose someone who you dearly love, and is the whole reason why you're in this career", I cut Charles off immediately since I usually get pissed immediately whenever the lads bring Melanie into our conversation when I'm acting like a douche.

"Bryce! Do you think you're the only one that was hurting when she was gone? I was hurting too Bryce, she was also my friend, and did I change? No right. I still love our career, and I still love our fans more than ever because I know for a fact that, that's what she wants me to do, and I want her to be proud of me too", Ben stated with sadness in his voice.

"Yeah Bryce, even though me and Mike may not have known Melanie like you and Ben did, she was still important to us since she was always around to try and cheer us up whenever we feel down. Ever since that day, you've been different, you started acting more of an asshole to all of us, and even your fans, you started hating your career and whatnot", Charles said to me.

"Guys! That's enough; let's just leave him alone. It's clear that despite what we'll say he will still not do anything about his behavior. Bryce! When you're done being angry all the time, and the moment that you realize how important your fans are, please feel free to come to us ", Mike said while him and the lads were walking towards the exit of the stage.

"Like that'll ever happen! The moment that, that day will happen would be the day Melanie comes back to life!", I shouted to them.

"Bryce, you know what boy, one of the reasons why I immediately signed you guys up into my record label is because the moment I saw your videos on YouTube, I saw that spark in your eyes while you were singing that Blink 182 song, you were so great out there, and I know that you'll be someone who will not be blinded by the popularity which usually is the cause of the downfall of multiple bands in this generation", John said while coming near me.

"Well, I guess you're mistaken", I replied.

"No, I'm not, you're just merely lost, and you need to find someone who would be able to replace Melanie, and bring you back to who you are two years ago", John said.

"Too bad that no one would be able to replace Melanie then.", I said while walking toward the exit of the stage.

"We shall see about that Bryce!" John shouted from the center of the stage.

I went inside our bus, and started smoking the weed that I have all along inside my pocket, since Ben isn't here to try and stop me. Ever since that day that Melanie was gone, I completely changed. She was the sole reason why I loved to sing, and the main reason why Ben and me started that YouTube account, and posted some videos of us singing to some songs.

The moment that I heard that Melanie got into a car crash, and wasn't able to make it out alive, my world went crashing down. That night, she was on her way from the airport to our studio here in California, when out of nowhere she crashed into another car. Both her and the driver were dead on arrival. What made her death worst was that the reason why she was driving to our studio was to surprise us because that day was my birthday. We were only starting our career that time, but apparently we got pretty big very fast because John got us to be the opening act for some of his artists that was signed to his record label. From that day, I had no reason to go on with my career because every single damn time I set foot into a stage or a studio, she was all I could ever think about. Apparently, I then resorted to drugs, and in fact there was a time when I wanted to quit from our band, however, I wasn't able to do it since despite how I hate Ben, Mike and Charles, those three are my family, and I couldn't throw their dreams away just because I'm not happy with what I'm doing right now.

Now that we're going on tour again which will start next month, I just hope that I'll be able to cope up and not have any unpleasant incidence with some of our fans.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys! So what do you think of Bryce's POV? What do you think of his personality? Btw, just a hint though, don't forget about Melanie, she'll be mentioned in the future chapters. Also, what do you think of Melanie and Bryce's relationship? Do you think Melanie is Bryce's sister or are they actually dating? Let me know in the comments section. Also, can you give me feedbacks on how I can improve this story? Please. I really need it since I'm a newbie here on Wattpad so any feedbacks and suggestions will be welcomed.

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