Chapter 51 - Reunion at the Gates

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It was a morbid sight. Zelda had to hold her lunch as she beheld the horrific temple. Multitudes of bodies were encased in its structure, still alive and in constant throes of misery. The moans from those unfortunate souls were heard for blocks around. The twisted structure rose up in haphazard spires centralized around a grand dome. Several sheets of human skin were draped over the curved surface like some disgusting display of artistry. The ungodly mix of both organic and inorganic material to construct this abomination of a temple was repellant to her.

"Why do they keep them alive?" Zelda said with a slight rise to her tone. "What purpose does it serve?"

Francis grunted as they peeked around the corner of the condemned shop, "Well, for one, they use the bodies as a means to strike fear in the hearts of the simple minded villagers who remain in Glaun'rung. No one would dare approach the place, so they are left relatively unchecked in their daily activities. Second, due to lack of materials at the time, Nevachrean bodies sufficed for the job." Seeing Zelda grimace, he explained further, "They keep them alive because if they died, their corpses would ultimately decay and cause the entire structure to become unstable. Indeed, it is a fate worse than death."

Link spotted several black robed figures emerge from the one and only temple entrance they were able to detect. "What about them? They seem relatively unarmed."

Francis shook his head knowingly, "I wouldn't try it. They may be apprentices under Barrachas, but they are highly skilled in the dark arts."

Apolloni cursed under her breath, "If there was only one of them, I could probably dispatch him singlehandedly."

"I'm sure you could." Francis humored her with a smug look.

Ignoring her scowl, Link pressed further on a topic Francis glossed over, "Who is Barrachas? You speak as if he is the leader of their order."

"He a manner of speaking." Francis nodded. "A very...unpleasant fellow. He trusts no one, not even his own acolytes. Barrachas entered into Nevachrean history about twenty cycles ago, well before my first child was born. Whatever he did, enabled Naar and the rest of his entourage to become immortal. He set up shop here in the capital and instigated Naar to build that profane temple. I do not know what goes on inside, but sometimes late at night I can hear the screaming."

Malon shivered at his tale, she waited for the robed figures to disappear down an opposing alley before speaking, "Is this some sort of perverse religion? What do they worship?"

Francis shrugged as he motioned for them to retreat back behind the cover of the building. "They call him Ballos. I have never heard of such a god nor seen any of its powers. Barrachas came to Nevachrea looking for converts and he found it in Naar. Utilizing his kingship, Barrachas was able to swiftly convert many to his cause. I don't know what his final aim is. All I know is that his ambitions are quite different from Naar's."

"How do you know all of this?" Link asked, it obvious the man was quite knowledgeable in the ways of the enemy.

Francis crossed his arms, leaning back against the wall, he began recounting, "I'm an owner of both a pub and an inn. You hear all sorts of stories, rumors and gossip when you are in my profession. My brothers and I moved here about twenty five cycles ago during the heyday of the army. There were many volunteers traveling from far and wide to come sign up with the greatest army the world had ever seen."

He continued as Link and Zelda gave him surprised looks, this would put them right at the time the first Nevachrean invasion occurred in Hyrule. "Many were promised glory, riches and land. All supported the invasion of Hyrule and signed up eagerly to accomplish the mission. My brother Ingo was the smartest one of us, he knew this could only end badly; he proceeded northwards into Hyrule to start a new life there. Given the vast resources and militia of Hyrule, it was obvious who the clear winner would be."

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