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never ending


Kenra, Nancy and Jonathan all agreed that this had to end tonight. Kenra still couldn't believe she agreed to this. A part of her wanted to run away from Hawkins and never look back after what this week had been, but the other part wanted it all to end. She wanted Will to come home and to never have to take a look at a demogorgon ever again.

They had to sneak back into the police department so they could get back the traps and other materials they'd bought from the hunting store earlier and headed back to the Byers house. Jonathan and Nancy had established that the demogorgon must be drawn by blood. They also decided that since Will already gave the Byers house some sort of link to the Upside Down, that would be where they did it.

They had to plug in all of the separate Christmas lights back in place. Jonathan nailed the bear trap that they'd bought to the floor in the hallway and Nancy loaded the gun. Kenra was already really worried about what was to come. She was insanely anxious as she poured the gasoline down the hall all the way to Will's bedroom door. She helped set up the trigger, being a yo-yo that connected to the bear trap that would be able to tell them through the closed door in Will's room that the demogorgon had been trapped and couldn't get away.

"Guys, I feel like this is stupid." Kenra spoke up softly. Her, Jonathan and Nancy stood in the kitchen each with a knife in their hands.

"If you're having doubts then you should go, Kenra." Nancy said, her voice was sweet but her words seemed contradictive.

"Oh, no, I meant cutting out palms, like, isn't that gonna hurt a lot." Kenra pointed out. Two subtle 'oh's left Jonathan and Nancy's lips.

"Eh." Jonathan shrugged. "It's probably fine. Now, remember..." He held the knife to his non-dominant palm, causing both girls to do the same.

"Straight into Will's room. And—" Nancy said.

"Don't step on the trap." Kenra finished.

"Wait for the yo-yo to move." Nancy added.

"Then." Jonathan held up his lighter, flicking it to light the flame. "Ready?" He asked them. Kenra and Nancy nodded. "One." Kenra started.


"You guys don't have to do this.." Jonathan suddenly spoke up.

"Jonathan, stop talking." Nancy said.

"Three." Kenra said and she pushed the knife into her skin until it drew blood, causing the others to follow. She hissed and bit her lip to hide the burning sensation on her palm.

Jonathan had gotten out a first aid kit and they were quick to wrap their bloody wounds before it created too much of a mess. Kenra sat to the side, wrapping her own hand while Jonathan and Nancy had helped each other. "Did you hear that?" Nancy asked.

"It's probably just the wind." Jonathan shook his head. "Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes."

"Speak?" Kenra asked, finishing off securing her bandage.

"Blink." Jonathan clarified. "Think of them as alarms." Kenra could see Jonathan and Nancy had gotten lost in each other, which obviously made her rather uncomfortable and feel weirdly like a third wheel to a couple that didn't even exist.

She held her head in her hands as she went over the plan repeatedly. Loud banging on the door caused Kenra to jump and look up quickly, Jonathan and Nancy doing the same. "Jonathan?" Kenra furrowed her brows at the sound of Steve's voice on the other side of the door. He had to pick today of all days, really?

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