I'm not sorry

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Chapter 12

Months passed and my sorrow hasn't vanished from the loss of my dear mother. "Come on babe" says Gunner "couple more minutes" I said sadly "you said that all this week" says Fern "lets party" says Mitch "you guys can go, I can stay here" I slumped down even more in my bed "baby, please for me? You haven't showered" says Gunny i sighed "fine, y'all get out and let Fern work" I said getting my toilet tree "see you soon" says my boyfriend "yeah" I said walking out the door.


When I saw my mother in that bed my heart broke in thousands of pieces "thank you" I said to Brett he nods and walks off i walked to her "hi mother" I said "hey honey" says mom trying to get up "no mom, I wrote you something" I said reading the poem then I wouldn't forget the sound of the beep of the dead heart of my mother "someone! Help! My mother" I called bawling my eyes out "I'll give you a few moments to say good bye" says Brett I nod "mom, why did you have to go" I said putting the Poem in her cold deathly hands "I love you" I said "you where the best mother out there, so caring so beautiful" I cried "I will miss you everyday of every second" I continued "I will see you soon" I ended and got up and walked down stairs "what happen?" Asked dad "mom... She... She" I couldn't say it Gunner pulled me in a hug "I'm sorry" says Gunner and Wade "it's not your fault" I said whipping my tears with my sleeve. When my dad went up and say good bye to his wife me and Gunner sat in silence while Wade talked "Wade, can you shut up" says Gunner "hey! Be nice" I said "fine, sorry" mumbled Gunner "how did it go?" I asked "went well" says dad "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you guys needed me" he says "dad, you don't need to apologize.

-End of flashback-

I sssslowly showered feeling the steam on my bare body "Hope?" Asked a voice "yeah?" I asked "I'm here" says Gunner opening the curtain "GUNNER!" I said blushing and covering up "babe chill, I got you" says Gunny "I can't... Not here" I said grabbing the curtain "nothing i haven't seen before" he whispers my goosebumps that he gives me keeps coming back with out even trying "Gunner" I said as he pins me to the shower wall.

I looked at him "you still have your magic touch" I whispered "as for you" says Gunner shutting off the water "feeling better?" he asked me "yeah, showering with you always makes me feel better" I said pulling my towel around my body "it's not like at my house" I whispered he chuckled "i know" he says as his fingers trail slowly down my side "stop it" I said.

When I got to my dorm Fern was getting my cloths ready and her set up for my makeup "your too nice to me" I say smiling "as you to me" she states pointing to the white booty tight dress "I love this" I said " I'm glad, it's yours to keep" she says with happiness in her eyes "you're to nice to me " I replied with a hug "hey now no lesbian action on my watch" says Gunner I roll my eyes "trust me Entoan I'm not about that life" says Fern while Gunner sits on the bed bored "bored babe?" I asked "no" he says "okay" I said. Fern did my make up "fuck" she said "what's wrong?" I said "my mascara is out" she sighs "I have some if you want to use it" i said "you're a doll" she said "fuck" says Gunner "you haven't seen my out fit yet" I said smiling "no and I don't want to forget it" he said "NOT IN FRONT OF ME!" Says Fern "later" he said "maybe, if I'm in a good mood" i said "keep it in your pants" laughs fern "i might need to change my pants" he smirks. "You might" I said walking back to Fern "that dress might come off soon" says Gunner I chuckle "you have to earn it" I said "Hope, you turn guys on with out even trying" says Fern "yeah she does" says Mitch "hey" says Fern "and so do you" he said kissing her "don't make her mess up!" I said "sorry" says Mitch i nod "I'm almost done" she said "my butt is going numb" I laugh "that's not the only thing that's going numb tonight" says Gunner everyone went wide eyed and me blushed "well shit Entoan" says Mitch while looking at me and at Gunner.

When we where at the party Anthony came up to us... He's so hot damn wait what? No Gunner is hot not him I think. "Beautiful" says Anthony drunk as ever "Anthony" I said "Entoan" he says "Anthony" says Gunner "want a drink?" Asked Anthony "oh no thank you" I said "my man?" Asked Anthony "naw not tonight Anth" says Gunner "huh, she changed you that's sad" says Anthony "it's a good change" he says pulling me closer to him. "You don't want anything" I said "no, I want to see you when i'm undressing you" He smirks i blush "I can't wait" i said kissing him "are you sure you're not drunk yet?" asked Gunner "I'm drunk on you" I said "you in a sexy outfit and talking dirty to me, god" says Gunner putting his hand on my ass "Gunner gonna tap that" says someone "bro, I'm already tapping it" he said "good man" he said. "want anything?" asked Gunner "water please" I said "coming right up my lady" he says going in the fridge "don't fuck with me, I know all" i said "i know that" he said handing me a bottled water. "Entoan" said i'm guessing one of his friends "Callum, meet my beautiful girlfriend, Hope, Hope meet my good friend Callum" he says I shook his hand "nice to meet you" i said "still polite, you haven't changed her yet" says Callum patting Gunner on the back "oh trust me i have" says Gunner smirking.

Gunner ran off... back to his own ways i suppose "Entoan left you?" asked Callum "huh? yeah" i said "I will never leave your side" He said "that's flattering and all but I'm not interested sorry" I said "fine" says Callum walking off "creep" I whispered... taking a sip of water "Hey babe" said Gunner "hey "I said kissing him "wanna dance? I wanna see what your body can do" he winks "you saw the best parts" i said "i wanna see you dance" says Gunner "if you say so" i said "lets go" says Gunner taking my hand... I only danced like this with Felix when we drank together. "damn babe, I had no idea you can move like that" says Gunner "surprised?" I said "yeah... kinda" says Gunner "don't get use to it" I said.

I wanted to go... It's midnight and i still have to do homework "Gunner, I want to go" I said "yeah me too" says Gunner "has your voice changed? it seems higher" I said "I'm feeling under the weather" he said "oh, okay" i said.

I might have taken a guy home that isn't my boyfriend...

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