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I woke up felling dizzy. I looked around, and found myself in a prison cell. I was alone. There was no one or nothing. It was just a concrete "bed" and a small window, not bigger than my head. I walked up to the window and looked out of it. It was heavily snowing outside, and some men were working on a railway or something like that.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of keys jiggling, and the metal door opened. It was a man, with a beard and brown eyes in soviet uniform.

- Вы, наконец, проснулись! (You're finally awake!) - he looked at me. A few more men appeared behind him.
- I don't speak Russian - I told them. Yes, I wasn't able to speak Russian. Not even the basics.
- Sit down - the bearded man spoke in a thick Russian accent, but it was easy to know what he was saying.

- Will you send me out to work there? - I pointed at the window.
- Don't worry женщина (woman), you will stay inside. We will need you for... Other purposes - he said as he gave me a disgusting smirk. It wasn't hard to understand what he meant under "other purposes". Disgusting.

The others started laughing at what the bearded man just said, and it made me mad. I couldn't hold it anymore. I quickly stood up and punched him in the face, what made him fall off the chair he was sitting on. The other guards stopped laughing, and took a step back.
- What are you thinking, женщина?! (woman) - one of them shouted as he started walking towards me. I was ready to hit him in any moment now, but he got close enough, a different voice spoke up.

- Эй, оставь это! (hey, leave it) - another man with a mustache and blue eyes appeared. - American woman, did you do this? - he said as he pointed at the bearded man who was holding his bleeding nose.
- Yes...? - I answered after hesitating a bit.
- Hmm... Can you fight?
- Yes sir. I can also use a few different types of guns and i know a bit about healing. Plus i was a pilot before i got here - I said. He seemed like he wasn't like the others i have met. Maybe there's still a chance that i'll survive.

- Hmm, maybe you'll be able to help us sometime. Come with me дорогой (darling) - he walked away. The other guards left. I followed the blue eyed man.
- Dimitri Antonov. But call me Enzo - he spoke.
- Y/N L/N, but you can call me Y/N.

A/N: okay so i know i said weekly updates, but this story did pretty well (over 25 reads in one day and 52 on the second day jejskwkd) so i decided to post chapters more often. Thank you for all the support!! I really appreciate it! (Also its almost july 1st aka season 4 vol 2 premiere :D)

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