Turned into a spider's pet

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Back in the cave, we see Izuku swimming around eating anything small enough to fit in his mouth.

Deku: (So Great Sage what skills do I have?)

Great Sage: (Your current skills are; Apex Predator, Temperature Nullification, Pain Nullification, and Great Sage)

Deku: (I see okay well tell me what does Apex Predator do? )

Great Sage: (The unique skill Apex Predator allows you to eat a creature and store it in your stomach for a while until you create a body for it to go into once you are ready to summon it again if you have enough magicules)

Deku: (I see, okay then well for now let's go and find something to eat in the meantime to get stronger)

Great Sage: (Yes of course master there is a place nearby that is filled with many creatures smaller and/or weaker than you that you can eat to grow strong enough to evolve)

Deku: (Okay thanks Great Sage for the info)

After hearing that Deku went off in the direction of the nearby area that was swarming with massive amounts of prey for him to eat. While on his way there Deku had to avoid the axolotl from earlier, a small white, black, and pink spider that was... fishing and talking with a human?! After the bizarreness of his sightseeing Deku made it to the small creatures.

Deku: (Finally made it to the creatures now to eat! APEX PREDATOR!)

A small whirlpool of water and small koi appeared in his mouth and started sucking in the small creatures for their magicules to progress his evolution.

Meanwhile with the axolotl, human, and spider at their fishing spot.

???: Hey Maple, hey Kumoko...

Maple & Kumoko: Oh hey there Amaranth.

Amaranth: I tried to catch a fish but no matter what I did to try and catch it, it just managed to dodge me no matter what I did to attack it.

Kumoko: Really now...

Amaranth: Y-yeah it did it was w-weird to see but it didn't attack me even though it had the strength to do so.

Kumoko: I see then... looks like I'll have to go and see this fish for myself. Is there anything else that I should know Amaranth?

Amaranth: The only thing that you should know is that the fish has a white, orange, and black color scale pattern on his body that looks like paint was splattered all over it.

Kumoko: I see then how interesting I'll go take a look at this fish then, do you know which way it went Amaranth?

Amaranth: If I remember correctly I believe it went in the direction  of the hatching grounds.

Kumoko: I see then, that means there is nothing to worry about.

Amaranth: What do you mean Kumoko?

Kumoko: Oh it's simple really that fish was reincarnated here so all we have to do is wait till it evolves once and find it afterward.

Maple: Wait a minute Kumoko how in the world did you figure that out?!

Kumoko: My dear maple it was simple any person with a sage would go there while the wild beasts and such would stay away from there.

Maple: I see then so that means that fish is a reincarnated person!

Kumoko: More than likely unless that fish is intelligent.

Maple & Amaranth: Okay then I guess we'll have fun then Kumoko and be careful with the fish, alright?

Kumoko: Hai will do girls.

After that interaction, Kumoko left and went to the area where Deku is currently.

Meanwhile with Deku.

Deku: (So Great Sage tell me how much do I exactly need to eat before I can evolve?)

Great Sage: (Well as of now you are currently another three hundred fifty-three magicules away from evolving)

Deku: (Hmm I see okay then. Let's go look for more food then)

As Deku was about to swim away he got in a spider string fish trap making him unable to move.

Deku: (What the! What's happening!)

Great Sage: (It appears that a spider has set a trap for you)

Deku: (Well shit)

Kumoko: So you're the fish my friend was telling me about.

Deku: (Great I'm going to die to a spider now)

Kumoko: You have quite the interesting aura for such a simple fish.

Deku: (Great Sage what do I do here)

Great Sage: (Currently you are at the spider's mercy)

Deku: (Well fuck my life)

Deku then attempts to slowly rotate his face to the spot from which the voice came.

Kumoko: I see you are pretty intelligent for a fish but for now you are at my mercy as a pet understood?

Deku then slowly bobs his head up and down to show that he understood his situation.

Kumoko: Good now let's head back to the group and as for you, we need to evolve you quite a bit until you can speak my little pet.

Deku then mentally sighs as he follows along back down the stream from which he came earlier regretting the life choices that he made.

After a while of walking and swimming both Deku and Kumoko made it back to the area in which both Maple and Amaranth were fishing at basically.

Kumoko: Girls I'm back and with our new pet fish.

Kumoko walks up to the girls with her leash made out of webs in hand as the spider walks back to the two of them with Deku swimming close to the edge of the water.

Maple: He looks tasty! Can I eat him!? Can I?! Can I?!

Kumoko glares at the human girl with killer intent.

Kumoko: Do I look like I tracked this fish down only to drag it back for you to eat?! If so Maple you are dumber than sticks.

Maple: Hey that's mean Kumoko! Amaranth, Kumoko is being mean to me!!!

Amaranth: And you expect me to deal with that demon you are stupid Maple now sit down and be quiet.

Maple grumbles at the talking axolotl and sits down on a bed made of moss before laying down and going to sleep.

Deku: (Wow these girls are something else I will say that much)😑

While swimming in circles to keep air flowing through his gills deku was deep in thought as he started wondering about his friends and family that he left behind back in his own world such as his mom, Eri, Katsuki, Ochako, and everyone else that he's met in his time as a hero back in his old world. Meanwhile with the girls.

Maple: So what are we gonna do with our new fishy friend Kumoko?

Kumoko: That I don't know I mean all he can do is literally swim around and eat and he has no way of talking to us so even if we talk to him we wont truly know if my pet fish is even a male for all I know he could be a she or have no gender at all for all we know but for now lets go grab the fish some food to eat so we can make him even stronger.

Then all three girls put on a sinister looking smirk/smile while thinking of what to do.

Deku: -shivers- What the hell was that feeling just now it felt way to sinister for my own good/well being.

Evolving Koi DekuWhere stories live. Discover now