The reincarnation

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Thinking/Talking with mind communication: (....)
Talking: Name: ....

Anything else I should add?

Nobody's POV
It's late into the night as the pro hero deku is running back and forth rescuing any and all individuals inside of the burning building and giving them to others as he continues to rescue people from the danger of the burning building and brings them to safety outside the building.

Deku: God damn it this is a lot of people in this building but I think I got almost everyone out.

Deku hears a girl crying as he runs to the area where he hears the crying only to see that it was a villain who managed to trick him.

Deku: Shit!

Deku tries to get out of the burning building only for the villain to send an explosion and a blast of flames at Deku before he could react in time to do so, hitting him.

Villain: See now hero! You and me are about to die in this building together with me going down in history as the villain who killed you! HAHAHAHA!!!!

Deku: -spits out blood- So what if you do at least people will remember me as the person who died after saving Japan from All For One and the league of Villains, is this a sucky way to go out sure, but I had already completed my task sooner than All Might did.


Deku: If that is so im sorry for that situation I unintentionally put you in.

Deku gets up unsteadily and slowly walks over to the villain.

Villain: Stay away from me!!!

The villain keeps hitting Deku with her attacks as he keeps walking closer to her and slowly puts his arm's out and hugs her.

Deku: Look I may not know what happened to you because of my actions but whatever happened I am truly sorry.

Deku breaks the hug and gives the villain a smile.

Villain: How... How are you smiling when we're both about to die.

Deku: Because a true hero does everything with a smile even when facing death.

Villain: (Just what type of Pro hero are you Deku?)

With those last words the burning floor and ceiling around them breaks causing them to fall and hit the ground while the they get impaled and covered up by the burning debris from the building.

Deku: (You know what If I get Reincarnated I already know what I want to be quiet easily. A Koi Fish)

System: (Look for species with the name Koi Fish... Successful)

Deku: (Who's there? Meh whatever I'll be a simple male Koi Fish... Great now im hungry... Damn apex predator scaring me away from my lunch)

System: (Gender male Successful, Unique skill Apex predator Successful)

Deku: (Is it just me or is it hot in he- wait why is it cold? Hehe it's probably just my mind fucking with me because of the pain)

System: (Heat nullification and Cold nullification Successful, pain nullification Successful, combining Heat nullification and Cold nullification Successful new skill temperature nullification Successful)

Deku: (Hehe whelp time for me to go and see my new fishy life now shut up you damn sage)

System: (unique skill great sage... Successful initiating Reincarnation sequence)

 Successful initiating Reincarnation sequence)

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After an hour Deku woke up in a pool of water.

Deku: .... (Where am I and why can't I speak?)

Great sage: (You are in a water pool in a cave full of magicules master)

Deku: ....(What now? And who are you?!)

Great sage: (Oh yes that's right currently you are a koi fish and magicules are the building blocks of all living beings and I am your unique skill Great sage)

By the way Deku looks like this

By the way Deku looks like this

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Deku: ....(Sounds like I died and then got isekai'd here by something)

Great Sage: (That is technically correct master)

Deku: ....(Okay then but can you then tell me about my skills and what skills are please?)

Great Sage: (Skills are like quirks in a way but the only difference is skills can't be taken by others, you can also earn skills by killing other monsters or through things you would do in your everyday life like cooking or climbing. You can also gain skills when you evolve into a higher species of your race)

Deku: (I see interesting anything else?)

Great Sage: (Skills can combine to give you a new skill with the same abilities as the combined skills, you also have unique skills, extra skills, and ultimate skills also)

Deku: (I see so extra skills are what you get for doing extra things while unique is well unique to an individual while ultimate is the best of that skills line?)

Great Sage: (Yes that is correct master)

Deku: (I see the-)

Great Sage: (Master you need to move before you get eaten by a incoming axolotl)

Deku: (Shit!)

Deku quickly swims to the left to avoid an incoming axolotl that tried to eat him from underneath.

Deku quickly swims to the left to avoid an incoming axolotl that tried to eat him from underneath

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Deku: (Oi! What the fuck asshole!)

Great Sage: (You do know they can't hear you right?)

Deku: (I'm quite aware of that fact yes)

Great Sage: ....

Deku: (Now what?)

Great Sage: (Dodge!)

Deku dives downwards and quickly swims away to avoid the axolotl again as it tries to eat him.

Deku: (Hey Great Sage is there a way for me to grow or at least learn to talk so I can get that damn axolotl to stop following me?)

Great Sage: (There is a possibility but you would have to eat everything you see except the axolotl of course)

Deku: (When you say eat what do you mean?)

Great Sage: 😑 (I mean you need to use your Apex predator skill to grow more and get more powerful)

Deku: (Oh... I'm dumb)

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