Ch. 9 The Last Night Together

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It never seemed to get dark here, except for when the siren was going of course. Basically what I am trying to say is that I don't know if its morning or night. I was going to count it was night however. I was hoping that we were safe up here, now that the swarm was gone. The siren went off and I shrieked praying that we would actually be safe up here. By the time that the darkness had faded back to light, we were all still alive, and I was still breathing, so we had been safe.

Andy and Dahvie decided they wanted to get off the roof top and walk around. I was getting bored of living through this hell. Why hadn't I died yet? There must be some reason as to why I was still alive, I just knew it. Well actually I had a feeling, but same thing. There was definitely a reason as to why I was still alive. Something wanted me alive.

We continued walking until we found a junkyard. I walked in and froze. Normally Feral's lurked around in junk yards in the games. I shrugged it off and kept walking. Apparently I had lost the boys, because they were both screaming. I turned back and went to see what was wrong. I know, I'm stupid.

Dahvie was getting attacked by a Lurker while Andy was getting attacked by a Feral. I couldn't help them. I was now all alone in this lovely work. To fend for myself. Cheers to aloneness!

Silent Hill: Survival of the Bands and a Fan (ft. BVB, BOTDF, and Sandra Alva)Where stories live. Discover now