Chapter 25 - My Sweet Flower Girl

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"Come onnnnnn El. You said you'd do it!" Gwyn's jovial voice rang up from the sparkling water, dancing off the rocks and ringing in Elain's ears.

She tossed a smile toward her friend, shaking her head. "I don't want to try, I'll just watch." She called down toward them, tucking her legs under her further and leaning back on her hands.

They had arrived at Emerie's quarry with a few picnic baskets, a blanket, and apparently... a lot of spunk.

The Valkyries had been trying to get her to jump since they arrived, but Elain had resolved to enjoy sunbathing at the top of the cliff, content to enjoy the free entertainment of the wild cliff jumping.

The quarry was sparkling with the ancestors of Helion's white and cream marble palace, golden lint catching the rays of the afternoon light and bouncing off the waters pooling below. The ridge was covered in wild oaks and weeping willows, their roots plunging below the surface, sometimes peeking through the stone walls. It was beautiful, peaceful, and mildly terrifying.

Because Elain had found that any and all desire to even CONSIDER launching off the cliff with her friends had vanished after seeing not just the impossible height of the quarry, but the water below. It was a very light aquamarine, the shade brightened by the white marble, but it was impossible to see the bottom, even from the ridge. After breaking through the forest into the clearing, she had gazed down at the waves, images of the River and the Cauldron crashing into Elain's mind, nearly blinding her with a tidal wave of anxiety.

Lucien had noticed her rigid posture and had kindly set her up under an oak on a blanket, facing the cliff from the side so that she could see everyone jump and swimming below. The fae had been jumping and laughing for almost an hour, but had yet to tire, the long climb up not a problem for their fae legs.

Everyone seemed to be having fun. Lucien had been jumping and climbing, no doubt pleased to be released from the typical afternoon gardening date Elain usually adhered to. He had told he, as they were ascending to the top, that the last time he had climbed for pleasure was centuries ago during his time living with Eris in Autumn. It was strange to think of Eris involved in anyone's happy memories, but it was nice to learn more about Lucien. As for the females, Emerie seemed to live for her moments flying through the air while Gwyn had taken to the sparkling water as if she were a mermaid without a tail. Azriel had kindly offered to fly the Valkyries up between jumps, but they had scoffed, citing the exercise as "nothing compared to scaling Ramiel."

The Shadowsinger hadn't jumped or swam at all, opting to settle across the clearing from Elain under a weeping willow. She mused that it must be because flying through the air was not a novelty when one was winged. He was leaning against the tree with his arms crossed against his chest, his wings tucked behind him and long legs sprawled before him, crossed at the ankle. Elain was unsure if he was sleeping, but she occasionally noticed his shadows twirl across the grasses toward her toes, almost as if they were checking in on her.

She smiled over at Emerie's melodious laugh floating along with the warm breeze from the water below. Gwyn had dunked her under the surface and Emerie was trying to return the favor. Lucien had just scaled the cliff edge again and was standing up, running his hand through his long red hair, aiming a smile toward Elain.

"How are things under the tree?" He said walking close enough to nearly stand on the edge of the blanket.

Elain averted her eyes from his glistening wet muscles, a blush rising to her cheeks.

Covering her forehead with her hand to shade the sun, she returned the smile. "I'm enjoying watching you all. I wanted Emerie to experience this."

He nodded, joining her in gazing toward the Valkyries. "I'm happy Helion has been including her on our Pegasi rides for the same reason." A dark glaze crossed his eyes, no doubt thinking of the Valkyrie's clipped wings.

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