Chapter 17 - Daughter of The Cauldron

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Whirling around, Elain watched in stilted horror as Lucien crossed to the edge of the dance floor, heading straight for the human woman, her red hair framing her face, eyes already dancing as she broke into a beaming grin, throwing her arms out to the sides as Lucien barreled toward her. He gathered Vassa into a bear hug, lifting her from the ground, sending her blue silk skirts twirling like flower petals as she shrieked with laughter, her head tossed back and eyes closed with joy.

Pain and envy began to flare deep within Elain's gut as she stood, frozen in the middle of the dance floor, watching the scene unfold before her, the swaying and laughing fae around her wholly unaware of her humiliation.

But, Elain realized that it wasn't envy toward the way Vassa was embracing her mate, or even for how he was touching her skin. It was purely for the acceptance: the idea of a male striding toward her, gathering her into a hug, laughing and twirling in happiness. She realized bitterly that she would do anything to experience that sensation.

But instead of being twirled by her mate, here she was, standing alone on Calanmai, her body practically naked, rejected in front of the entire court of Patras.

She felt like a fool.

A Cauldron-damned fool.

Elain dropped her face to the marble floor, her shoes still sparkling in the torchlight, to take a step toward the edge of the dance floor, willing her body to move, willing it to release her from this trapped existence of embarrassment. But just as she had taken the first step, she heard a star-speckled voice from behind her.

"May I have this dance?"

Elain raised her head, stunned to see her brother-in-law offering his hand, his palm raised toward the ceiling and dark head bowing slightly. "Rhys?" Elain blinked up at him, confusion knitting her brows.

Taking her hand, the High Lord gracefully guided her through the choreography, holding her close as the orchestra shifted the rhythm, smiling charmingly as they grazed past the other dancing fae. "Feyre thought that a month away from you was a month too long my dear."

Elain smiled weakly, gratefully falling into step with Rhys, allowing him to spin and move her in step with the overwhelming music, her mind drifting to the humiliation she had just narrowly avoided and the couple on the edge of the dance floor. Her hair swished, long and heavy on her back as she twirled, her mind forcing a resentful thought to the forefront, burying deep and wiley into her soul.

She must be the first female in Prythian history to fail to seduce her mate.

Her Cauldron-given mate.

Maybe it was because she wasn't fae enough: like her mate knew deep down that she was a fraud of a fae... a human woman in a fae body.

But then again, her thoughts flashed bitterly, anger coursing through her tensed shoulders as Rhysand gripped her hand, tossing her into a dip; it didn't seem to matter to Lucien if the female he was twirling was human or faerie... just that she was anyone other than Elain.

"You look stunning by the way. It seems you have come into your own in Patras." Rhys broke through her thoughts and she offered him another weak smile, unsure if she would begin crying hysterically if she but opened her mouth to reply. "And I'm sure your mate can't take his eyes off you," the High Lord finished, beaming at her.

Snapping her head up toward her brother-in-law, she felt the rooted rage narrow in on his handsome grin, a sneer absorbing her lips. "I beg to differ. I think my mate only has eyes for females of the human variety."

"Ah." Rhys seemed unable to form a reply, his eyes casting a glance toward Vassa and Lucien, who had now taken a seat on a nearby settee, throwing their hands around in animated storytelling.

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