Chapter 3 - Heads or Tails

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Or at least... it seemed like winnowing. Elain had dissolved before Azriel into a strange golden mist. He cursed out loud. Not only had he made Elain upset enough to cry, but he had actually caused her such a heightened level of emotional distress that she had WINNOWED AWAY before his eyes. And he could still taste her; the sting of jasmine and honey clinging to his lips, her scent heavy in the air... his pants tight and breathing rapidly increasing.

He had only wanted to pause. To collect himself and make sure that she understood that he was NOT with Mor before they continued: Rhys' orders be damned.

But then she had begun to dematerialize before his eyes, Azriel reaching towards her, desperately trying to help her, to protect her. Golden light shot out from Elain's fingertips, her eyes expanding to saucers, and a scream caught in her throat. He watched helplessly as she glimmered and flickered and then just... disappeared. Melting away, tears still shining on her cheeks, brows furrowed and drawing away from him like he was a monster... it was a vision of nightmares.

Instinctually, Azriel began to crouch, positioning himself to launch into the sky, ready to tear apart all of Velaris to find her, but not before a soft whispering shadow tickled his ear

She's safe. She winnowed herself into her bedroom and has not left. Powerful Made Fae.

His heart rate returned to normal, posture adjusting, as he drew a hand up to rub his eyebrow, eyes closed. Breath releasing, he felt the panic edge back down.

Powerful Made Fae indeed.

゚☆: *.☽ ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ☽ .* :☆゚

Elain stumbled backward, reaching again for the outdoor dining table, only to trip over the edge of her bed and fall heavy on her back, arms thrown up above her head. Soft down quilts bounced off the bed, startled by the sudden impact of her body before landing haphazardly around her. Her scream finally managed to exit her mouth, and she yelped in surprise, looking around her bed chambers disoriented and bewildered.

Shock, confusion, and a tinge of fear fell over her body, sending her into shivers, her legs shaking and teeth chattering. Rolling to the side and throwing her face into the blankets, she pulled the quilt around her and began to slow her breathing: for the second time tonight.

Breathe, she told herself.

This really isn't that wild.

You live in a magical world with magical creatures and you have magic within you. From the Cauldron. Like Nesta! You must have just winnowed. Not a big deal. You've winnowed with Rhys before. And Morrigan. And Feyre. And Az... Azriel.

Fresh tears began to fall, and she smashed her face further into the quilt, pulling the blankets tighter around her head. She had half a mind to let out another scream. A cry. Anything to show the world her pain was real. But over a necklace? And what had come over her just now to throw herself at him? After it had been made clear as the day that he was with Morrigan... Who the hells was she!?

It was like the sight of the necklace on Morrigan's neck had lit something within Elain: a desperate urge to lay claim to Azriel in whatever means necessary: covering him in her scent, her mouth, her body. It was as if a hot fire had sprung up in her chest, seeing him coming toward her in the garden, instincts consuming her in the need to fuse herself together with him... it was ridiculous. SHE was being ridiculous.

But gods she wanted him.

She had wanted him ever since she had come out of the fog of Grayson and the visions. After Hybern's camp. After the war.

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