Chapter 12 - Powerful Made-Fae

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Holding Nyx while wandering one of Helion's elaborate outer courtyards, Elain found herself missing her gardens in Velaris ever so slightly.

The lilacs and violets... her hydrangeas. She sighed. In her enthusiasm to vacate the city, she had forgotten to arrange for anyone to care for her gardens. But then again, her sister was a High Lady. Feyre and Rhys had probably already hired a professional landscaper to care for the gardens in her absence.

Sighing again, she lowered herself into a reclining lounger, sitting Nyx between her legs, facing him toward a flower bed of foxglove and iris flowers, supporting his tummy as he wobbled around, sucking his fingers. It seemed that fae babes shared many similarities with human babies, Elain mused, smiling at the drool Nyx was accumulating on his hands.

She would miss him this summer. Perhaps she would need to invite Feyre to visit in a few months, once she felt more established with Lucien, just so she could spend more time with Nyx.

"A beautiful babe." A melodious female voice purred, drawing Elain's attention away from Nyx.

Covering her eyes from the blinding Day Court sun, Elain looked up at the tall female faerie who was standing at the end of the lounger, smiling down at Nyx. She was older, for a fae, with long dark limbs peeking out from white and golden robes, an enormous amethyst jewel decorating her forehead, glittering as brightly as the wide smile she was aiming toward Nyx.

"My nephew," Elain replied, angling the babe toward the female.

She nodded, gesturing gracefully to the surrounding courtyard. "Patras is a good place for babes to spend time while still growing. He will be bathed in sunshine and the holy magic of the city and our court."

Elain cocked her head inquisitively as the female continued.

"The High Lord of Day is Helion SpellCleaver." Her quiet voice was almost papery, as if it took strength to speak. "The weight of magic is heavy upon our city. We were once a center, a hub of incredible stores of magic in Prythian."

Elain was absorbed in the female's words, her eyes rapt with interest.

"It is why the Pegasi still remain with us, and only us." She gestured then toward the palace, nodding her head with care, as if it took great strength to perform the movement. "The Night Court's power resides with her High Lord. But Day? The magic of Day rests within her very being: the sands. The river. Patras was a very holy city of Prythian back when the early fae roamed our courts."

"Are there more... magically attuned fae here? More than elsewhere in other courts?" Elain asked.

"Yes, and no. Every court has its share of magic. However, Day is the one most accomplished in.. accounting for the magic. Studying it. Teaching. Our scholars have attempted to catalog magic throughout the centuries in our libraries, but we also have less.. official methods. "

Elain cocked a brow.

"Witches. Witches and warlocks... lay fae and magical creatures. They tune their magic to the flow of the river and the bones of the ones before us."

Elain nodded.

"You are a Made-Fae." The remark was more of a statement than a question, but Elain nodded somberly again.

"My name is Sandrielle. I am a High Priestess here in Patras." The older female moved towards her slowly, bowing her head in reverence.

Elain smiled warmly at the female, ducking her head as well. "I am Elain Archeron. We are staying in your court for the summer season so that I may court my mate." Her voice caught on the word, stumbling with awkward emotion.

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