Chapter 18

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"I don't know who I want to shoot first. Mr. Smith or myself."

Olivia slams her locker shut so aggressively that the metal door wavers even seconds later.

"Very understandable. He's a piece of shit.", I agree with her. I cannot help but grin, despite the outrageousness of the pure existence of our politics teacher.

There's nothing quite like bonding with another girl over the shared hatred of a man.

"Piece of shit is the underestimation of the century," she shoulders her back, "are we going to lunch together?"

"Uh, I can't. I have to go back to the chemistry lab. I forgot something there in third period."

"Oh. I can come with you if you want."


Shit. That came out way too quickly. I really suck at this.

"I mean", I clear my throat, "you go ahead. Hold a seat for me. I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

She looks at me confusedly. "Okay," she stretches the word, "you're sure?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm sure. See you then!", I call over my shoulder, walking in the opposite direction of her. As soon as Olivia leaves the building, I turn around and change course.

It's safe to say I'm not going to the chemistry labs.

The hallway I turn into is empty. Perfect. I look behind me one last time to check that there's no one watching me, and then I quickly open the door to the storage room.

Just as I close it behind me, I'm being pressed against it, warm hands on my hip and in my hair. Soft lips connect with mine, and I lean into the touch, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I missed you," Nikolai whispers after we pull back to breathe.

"It's been like two hours.", I giggle.

Yes, giggle. Actually giggle.

My life has arrived at a point where I giggle unironically.

It's pathetic.

I love it.

"Tell me about it," he says with a sly smile, leaning in again. Suddenly his hands are under my thighs, and I'm being lifted into the air.

My back is still pressed against the wall, and I wrap my legs around his torso to steady myself. I drag one of my nails down the back of his neck, just the way I know he likes it.

He makes a low noise in the back of his throat. If the past four days have taught me anything at all, it's that that is a good sign.

Knowing that I'm the reason he makes that noise fills me with pride.

Ever since we've come back to Everlance Academy, my life has been heaven. It changes from hanging out with my friends to doing athletics to meeting my boyfriend in hidden rooms, on the roof, or by the indoor pool at night. The latter is my favorite part of the day.

So far, we have managed to keep it a secret. The only problem I have is that I am greedy. It doesn't matter what we do, I can't get enough of it. Just like now.

I part my lips against his in the hope that it would somehow result in us being closer, even though I know that's not physically possible.

One of my hands travels up his head, ending up in his hair, and I grip a few strands and ball my hand into a fist, pulling at the blond mess.

At first, it was intimidating to try new things and explore what we liked. Now it's not anymore. When his head falls back and I hear him quite literally moaning my name, I know I didn't go too far. I went just far enough.

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