Chapter 8

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I've been wandering through the forest without a clue where to go for so long that my feet feel numb. My legs feel numb. Everything feels... numb.

I am in some kind of trance that I can't break out of. Don't want to break out of. Because if I do, everything will come crashing down on me again, and I fear that this time I will break down under the pressure.

Nikolais voice has been echoing in my head, calling my name time and time again. Just like right now.

"June! June! This is crazy, you're going to get us both killed!"

Suddenly, someone is grabbing me by the shoulder, yanking me back into reality and his arms. Everything clashes down at me all at once, and my knees almost buckle. The only thing keeping me steady is Nikolai's grip on me.

I guess it hadn't been an echo. Nikolai had been following me all along, begging me to stop running. Now he's holding onto me, pressing me tightly to himself, as if scared that if he let go of me, I might start to run away again.

"Where... where are we?", I yell against the increasingly strong wind. Nikolai looks down at me like I'm crazy.

"In the middle of a forest during a storm, that's where we fucking are!", he yells back and looks around hectically.

My heartbeat starts to quicken. God, am I stupid? "We need to get back to the Academy!"

"Do you have any idea how much time has passed? We're too far away, we won't make it there in time until the tornado starts."

"Well, then what else are we supposed to do?"

Nikolai watches me for a moment, his expression troubled. He seems to be fighting a battle with himself. Then he sighs.

"There's a hut not far from here where we can stay until the worst is over. Come."
He lets go of my waist and grabs my hand, pulling me along, and I follow him.


Some time later, we reach the hut he was talking about. It lies behind a hill between tall trees that protect it a bit from the wind. Moss is growing on its roof. Right next to it is a giant lake, with waves clashing against the shore.

"That looks magical, but not very stable!", I scream. The wind has become so loud, I can't even hear my own thoughts anymore.

Well, if you know another hut where we can stay, I'm taking suggestions!", Nikolai yells back.

Fair point. It's better than nothing, I guess. Also, the sky is darkening every minute, and soon enough it will be night. After all, the only thing worse than wandering through a forest while it storms is wandering through a forest while it storms without being able to see.

Nikolai pushes the door open with the words, "Welcome to our... night quarter, I guess."

The inside of the hut is tiny. There's one window with two shutters, two stools at a table in the corner, and one queen-sized bed in the middle.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I choke.


"What do you mean, what? There's only one bed?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry," Nikolai face palms himself, "I forgot to ask for a room for two when making the reservation three months ago. My bad."

"Haha. Great joke," I say dryly.

"Well, I hope you don't mind wooden bars as your mattress," Nikolai says while getting out of his shoes. It takes me a second to catch up.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor!"

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