Chapter 17

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"June, Nikolai! Over here!", Nora stands up in the crowded room and waves at us wildly, signaling us to sit down at her table.

The room where the award ceremonies take place is about as big as the gym back at Everlance Academy. It's full of round tables at which sportspeople and their coaches are seated.

Nora sits at a table with Olivia, Ivy, and Noah, two seats are still free that Nikolai and I take.

"And? How was the amusement park?", Noah asks. He sounds bitter.

"Hm? Good," I say vaguely, filling the glass in front of me with water.

"Yeah? What did you do?", Noah pines.

Make out in a photo booth.

"You know. The usual stuff, rollercoaster, chain carousel, and so on. And you? Did you guys get that vinyl you were looking for?"

"We did. But nothing exciting happened. Besides the fact that Noah has fallen in love," Ivy notes.

Noah's pouting changes to a bright smile, and he clutches a hand to his chest delightedly.
"She is the girl of my dreams. In the city, we ran into some pro-choice demonstrations, and the girl leading them? She was like... everything I imagine perfection to be."

"He was too much of a chicken to even talk to her," Olivia mumbles, looking at her hands.

"So you don't have her number, then? And what about the person from your self-defense class?", I wonder.

"No, I don't have her number. But I'm telling you, I will meet her again somehow. We are destined to be with each other. She was like... She was a 10."

"Ew. Don't say that," Olivia furrows her eyebrows, "don't rate people. You sound like you'd be talking about meat and not a human being."

"Oh my god, do you guys know that game? They're a ten, but?", Nora leans forward excitedly.

"No," Olivia and Nikolai say at the same time.

"It's really easy", Ivy claps her hands together enthusiastically, "Nora. They're a nine but sell feet pictures on OnlyFans."

Nora laughs. "Still a nine. What do I care? Okay, Noah, they're a ten, but you already had a fling with their sibling."

Noah hisses and croaks his head. "Seven. It'd be weird, but if they're a ten, I'd still want to be with them. June, they're a four, but they read."

I shrug. "I don't know. Like five? Six maybe? I don't really care about that. Olivia, they're a three, but they're six foot six."

I miss Olivia's answer because I'm looking at Nikolai. At my answer, he raised his eyebrows, looking somewhat offended. Under the table, I show him my outstretched fingers.


He nods, pleased.

"Nikolai. They're a four, but they smell like lavender."

Nikolai never gets the chance to answer that question—which is a shame because I would really like to know since I use a perfume with a lavender scent—because in that moment, the award ceremony begins.

A few people in expensive-looking suits or dresses come to the stage where the podium stands and hold a few very boring speeches. Instead of paying attention, I settle for slurping my water and occasionally glancing over at Nikolai. Whenever I do that, he turns his head as well, as if feeling my eyes on him.

"...which is why I am now going to announce the winners of yesterday's festival, and I ask you to come forward to the stage, receive your medal, and stand for a few photos."

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