Chapter 10

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Quackity lay on the sofa, tired but pleased, and his thoughts drifted over to Clay and their conversation.
Clay was bisexual, apparently.
That had come as a surprise for Quackity, since Clay was literally the straightest passing guy he knew.
He was basically a jock with dirty blonde hair and abs who looked exactly like a straight fuckboy- if he hadn't been so caring, he would have probably been a cliche bully during high school who said things like 'broski' and 'rad'- the type of guy to think that a woman accidentally glancing at him for half a second meant she was checking him out.

But apparently not.
For the first time, Quackity felt a pang of remorse. He'd killed Clay's crush.
And he hadn't told him.
Clay was probably still under the illusion that George had gotten lost somewhere, or had to stay at a friend's house- not that he was in the depths of Hell. Where Wilbur had sent him.

Speaking of Wilbur, the man himself spoke up.
"You alright, Q?"
"Oh! Yeah. Sorry," Quackity said, snapping out of it. "Was just thinking."
"You tired, hm?"
Thunder rumbled outside as heavy rain beat down on the small window of Quackity's tiny home.
"Yeah," Quackity said, leaning into Wilbur's soft touch. Wilbur's fingers crept up to Quackity's face, lightly caressing it, and he immediately relaxed.
"Wanna cuddle?" Wilbur asked.
Quackity nodded, so Wilbur slipped his hands around Quackity's waist and put his head on his shoulder.

"This is nice," Quackity said after a few minutes, the warmth and humidity of the room making him drowsy.
Wilbur hummed in response, softly stroking Quackity's hair. This action made him sleepy. The air was thick and warm, and in the presence of an already warmer man, Quackity found himself dropping off to sleep.
He closed his eyes and let warmth engulf him.

Quackity awoke to sunlight streaming in underneath dripping roofs, with birds chirping noisily.
He got up with a groan before realising, embarrassed, that he'd had his head on Wilbur's chest the whole time.
Wilbur, who was also snoozing, awoke just as Quackity came to this revelation. Perhaps it was the loss of the weight on his chest, who knows, but he awoke anyways.
"Hm, oh- hi, Q," he said drowsily.
"Did I fall asleep?" Quackity asked.
"Yeah. I didn't wanna wake you. I fell asleep pretty quickly, though," Wilbur said, running his hand through his curly hair and chuckling softly.

"You should've woken me!" Quackity said in mock outrage. "I gotta go get changed. We're going out today."
"Oh?" Wilbur raised an eyebrow, but Quackity didn't elaborate, instead disappearing upstairs to get changed with a wave.
A few minutes later, Quackity came downstairs with a fresh outfit, and damn, did Wilbur get flustered when he saw it.

It wasn't anything dirty- it was just a white shirt, black suspenders and trousers, but Quackity had a few of the buttons on the white shirt down, revealing some of his chest, and did that make Wilbur find him more attractive (which he hadn't thought was possible, considering Quackity was the most attractive man he'd ever met on his time on Earth).
"Wow," he said breathlessly as Quackity made his way downstairs.
"You like it, pretty boy?" Quackity said with a wink.
"Of course." Wilbur grinned.

"Talking of clothes, doesn't that outfit get a bit boring?" Quackity asked. "Do you have to clean it, or-"
"No, we don't need to clean our clothes, cuz they don't get dirty. I can get a new outfit if you'd like?" Wilbur suggested.
"My clothes are way too small to fit you," Quackity said stoutly. "Try if you want."
"Oh, I can just summon some, no big deal," Wilbur said.
To prove his point, Wilbur changed outfits with a click. He was now dressed in an overlarge, yellow, woollen sweater, accompanied by a necklace with an upside down cross on it and dark ripped bell bottoms.

"Oh- uh... wow," Quackity said.
Wilbur grinned.
"I really want to kiss you right now," Quackity admitted.
"Go on then," Wilbur said with his familiar smug grin, leaning towards him.
Quackity wasted no time in cupping Wilbur's face in his pale hands and kissing him passionately.
Once they broke apart, Wilbur said, "So what did you say about going out?"

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