Chapter 8

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A/N: This is literally just a fluff chapter lmao enjoy

Quackity woke, his left hand on Wilbur's chest and his head resting on Wilbur's shoulders- who, coincidentally, was fast asleep. He looked cute when he slept, Quackity thought to himself.
Wilbur was snoring softly, and then it occurred to Quackity that he hadn't had any nightmares.
God, how long it had been since he'd had a truly good rest, since his sleep had been plagued by nightmares created from his trauma for as long as he could remember- perhaps Wilbur was the reason he'd had a good sleep-?

"Hey, sleepyhead, wake up," Quackity said softly, playfully poking Wilbur's face.
Wilbur woke slowly. "Hm? Oh, sorry, Q, I dozed off." He gave Quackity a drowsy smile.
"I fell asleep as well," Quackity said, chuckling lightly.
"Yeah, well, I mean, that was the whole reason we... you know," Wilbur coughed, "wasn't it? To get you to sleep?"
"And it fuckin' worked. And guess what?"
"No nightmares!"
Wilbur's face broke into a wide smile.
"That's great, Quackity!"
He pulled Quackity into a tight hug.

Quackity smiled at the surprising warmth of Wilbur's body and loved how comforting it was to hug him, so he held on for ages.
Once they broke apart, Quackity gave Wilbur a small peck on the cheek.
Wilbur's face burned.
"So, are we official?" Quackity asked.
"Hm? Official?"
"As boyfriends."
Wilbur smiled. "Of course! I mean, only if you want to be-"
"Obviously I want to be!"
"So... we're official. Wow," Wilbur said, gazing wistfully into outer space and trying to collect his thoughts, which wasn't easy, as they were flying in every direction.

"Yeah," Quackity said, his eyes meeting Wilbur's.
Without any of them saying anything, Quackity leaned in and connected his lips with Wilbur's.
It was a soft kiss, really, but it meant the world to him.
Wilbur placed a heavy hand lightly on the back of Quackity's head as they made out, and he looked down at the other man with admiration, perhaps even reverence.
Wilbur, ironically, worshipped Quackity in a both metaphorical and literal manner- well, he'd definitely worship Quackity if he were given the chance- and he was not ashamed to admit it.

He closed his eyes and let Quackity kiss him.
His glasses were slipping off his nose, but did he care? No. He had more important things on his mind at that moment than a pair of glasses falling off.
"I fuckin' love you, Wil," Quackity murmured in between kisses and oh, how Wilbur's stomach flipped. That sentence did nothing to stop the butterflies that were now fluttering around in his stomach- in fact, it just increased them.

Most people would consider it a sign of weakness, a demon- not just a demon, the king of Hell himself- being submissive to a human of all things, but he didn't care.
He was proud to be kissing someone whom he found so objectively perfect.
Of course, he'd fucked humans before, but this... this was different. This wasn't just bottled-up lust being let out in a emotionless fuck, this was pure, raw, unfiltered love.

Wilbur smiled at Quackity. "Do you want any breakfast?" he asked.
It had been so long since he'd done anything considered normal for humans, so why not offer to make breakfast for his lover?
"Oh, that would be great," Quackity said, his face lighting up, "thanks."
Wilbur smiled. "It's no problem."
He got up off the sofa and made his way towards the tiny kitchen.

While Wilbur was gone, Quackity sat there, completely content in what had gone on in his life. Well, apart from the murdering part, but at least he hadn't gone to jail... yet.
Seriously, I mean, he had a demon- not just a demon, Satan himself- as a boyfriend, and he'd gotten away with not just one, but two murders.
Suddenly, he heard a patter from outside.
It had started to rain.

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