Chapter 3

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Quackity looked outside and, true to his word, Wilbur had made the storm stop.
He hurriedly tidied the summoning equipment away and hoped nobody would realise that he'd taken a page out of one of the holy Bibles.
"I'll be going now," Quackity said, but before Wilbur could say anything, the doors of the church opened up and Foolish hurried up to him.

"Um- I can explain-" Quackity started, looking at Wilbur warily, but Foolish just looked confused.
"Explain why you were in the church at night? Oh, no, you don't have to, I'd have done it too, but I'm too coward to have braved that storm," Foolish replied cheerfully.
"No, I mean-" Quackity said, looking at Wilbur, but he cut himself off as Wilbur winked at him. "Uh, yeah, actually, that was what I meant. Sorry," Quackity continued slowly. "I haven't got any sleep, do you mind if I take the day off for today?"

"Oh, that's fine! I'll take over your sermon for today, you must be exhausted," Foolish said, his eyes roving right over Wilbur and not blinking. Could he really not see the third man- no, not man, demon- that was right in front of him?
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow," Quackity said with a weak smile, taking a few steps towards the door.
Wilbur moved with him.
Quackity waited until he was outside the church to turn on Wilbur.

"Right, what was that? Why didn't he see you?" he demanded.
"The summoned demon only shows himself to the summoner," Wilbur replied, looking bored. "That's why I'm gonna stick by you for ages."
"You will not. So I'm the only one that can actually see you?" Quackity asked, looking pissed off.
"Eh. There's probably a few people that have summoned me in the past that can see me, but for all purposes in this situation, yes, you are the only one that can see me," Wilbur said.
His lips quirked into a smile.
"So... they- they can't even hear you?" Quackity asked, baffled.
"Sometimes. Only when I want them to hear me."

"Well, you can fuck off, OK? I'm not having a goddamn demon following me around, especially not when I'm a priest."
"You're the only one who can communicate with me, so I'm afraid I'm not going to do that," Wilbur said, smirking and casually leaning on the damp stone of the church.
Quackity ignored how attractive he looked when he did that.

"Fuck off," Quackity said, trying to push past Wilbur but was stopped by a hand on his stomach.
"Hey, hey, it's not like anyone can see me, so what's the fuss?"
"The fuss," Quackity replied with gritted teeth, "is that you might talk over me while I'm trying to say something and distract me, and then whoever I'm talking to will think I'm mad. That's the fuss."
"OK, OK, I promise to not purposely distract you when you're talking to someone," Wilbur said, palms up in surrender. "Is that good enough for you?"
Quackity simply stared at him with narrowed eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes."
"Ugh, you're gonna come with me regardless of what I want, so I'm just gonna leave, alright?" Quackity said, rolling his eyes and hitting Wilbur on the arm.
Wilbur flinched, but didn't make any sound of pain.
Quackity left without looking at him, but he could still hear Wilbur's loud footsteps on the gravel path that indicated he was following him.
He meant to go to his house, but halfway there, he ran into someone he would have gladly never seen again.

"What do you want, Schlatt?"

Schlatt was Quackity's ex.
They'd dated for a year and a half and had broken up when Quackity had found out he was a Satanist, but Schlatt had always found ways to annoy him, even when they weren't together any more.
When Quackity was shopping and Schlatt was there, he'd purposely bump into him and send his groceries flying.
He would purposely knock Quackity onto the road when they were passing each other on a pavement (which had led to some dangerous situations).

All in all, Schlatt was a horrible, bitter person who was also fascinated by demons and Satan.

However, Schlatt wasn't focused on Quackity. His eyes went straight to Wilbur.

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