Chapter 2

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Quackity sighed.
"How do I summon you?"

"Do you have a Bible?" the voice asked.
"Um. This is a church," Quackity said, unimpressed.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Of course, idiot. Where are you, even? Your voice is so loud," Quackity asked.
"Right in front of you," they said with a chuckle.
"What do you mean? I can't see you!" Quackity said, looking wildly around himself and swiping randomly in spaces.
"That's my spiritual being, not my physical being."

"I'm gonna pretend like I understood what that meant."
"Good one." They laughed. The laugh wasn't a pleasant one, it was a high, cruel, raw laugh that sent shivers down Quackity's spine.
Quackity grabbed a Bible.
"What now?"
"Rip out a page."
"What?" he said in anger. "Wh- that's blasphemy, isn't it?"
"There's going to be no church to be blasphemous to if you don't do this. Fail to summon me, I will make sure everything you know and love is gone." They paused. "So no pressure, or anything."

"Okay, well- before I do this, I really need to know your name," Quackity stuttered, grasping at straws, desperately trying to delay ripping a page out of his holy book.
They chuckled. "It's Wilbur. I already know yours, Alex."
Quackity muttered something under his breath.
"What was that?"
"I said, I prefer Quackity," he said through gritted teeth.
"Alright then. Quackity it is," Wilbur said with a chuckle.

"Now, are you going to summon me or what?" Wilbur continued. "The storm isn't going to die down. I'll make sure of that."
"Alright, alright!" Quackity said frustratedly. "Is there a specific page, or do I just rip out any old page...?"
"Any old page."
"Dear Prime, please forgive me for this blasphemous act I am about to commit," he said, his hands together in prayer.
He opened the Bible and ripped out a random page with a wince. The 'rrrrrip' sound carried through the church.

"What now?"
"Get six candles and put them in a circle," Wilbur commanded.
"Ugh. Fine."
Quackity crossed the floor of the church to the small room where the priests got all their resources, and grabbed six long candles. He riffled through the drawers and grabbed a matchbox for good measure.
Finding a flat space at the end of the church, he  kneeled down and put them all in a circle.

"Now what?" Quackity demanded with an annoyed sigh.
"Grab the Bible page, light the candles, burn the page and then say my name six times," Wilbur said. There was an edge of excitement in his voice.
Quackity rolled his eyes.
"I really don't want to do this, you know."
"Sad. Now get on with it."
Quackity grabbed a match out of the matchbox and (after a few tries) lit it. The flame illuminated the church.
He lit the candles, one by one, then sighed and set the page down in the middle.

"Holy Prime, I can't fucking believe I'm doing this," he said worriedly. "What if Prime excludes me from Heaven because of it?"
"Well, you'll be very welcome in Hell with me," Wilbur said.
"Shut up and let me concentrate."
He reluctantly lit the paper on fire.
"So, say your name six times?"
"Yep," Wilbur answered.
"Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur..."


There was a rush of flames, and where the Bible page had been was a man.

He wasn't an ordinary man.
The first thing Quackity noticed about him was his outfit.
Wilbur was wearing a black waistcoat over a frilled white shirt, and a gold pocket watch was attached to the pocket on his waistcoat. His black trousers complemented the waistcoat perfectly.
So simple, yet so effective.
Circular gold-rimmed glasses sat on the edge of his nose.
Another, more drastic, feature he noticed Wilbur had was that two small red horns were poking out of his curly brown hair.
A few white hairs were woven into his fringe, and honestly... Quackity thought he was rather attractive.

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