A Few Old Warrior's

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Someone once said ""I saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colours and shades I knew existed." that was now Gemma Ross-Kazansky felt as she stared at the coffin her husband, the love of her life lay in.

She heard the words "Fire!" shouted, she heard the gunshots, but she didn't feel a thing.. She watched as Pete punched Iceman's wings into the coffin, and she reached out to grab the flag that they gave to her... But she didn't register it, how could she? It made no sense.

"Has she even spoken to anyone?" Kailani asked as all their friends and family congregated in their house afterward. Aria shook her head "She holed herself up in their office, she won't say more than two words to anyone."

Garrison sighed and looked to their uncle William "Has she ever done this before?"

William shook his head looking to his two other siblings who shook their heads in agreement "No, even when grandpa and grandma passed on it wasn't this bad. She was expecting it." He looked towards the office door where his father had just exited, the man was older now but he still had a gleam in his eyes. That gleam was gone today as he shook his head in his son's direction before walking to his wife.

William sighed "I don't know what to do."

Suddenly the doors to the house slammed open and a man entered surrounded by screaming children which he and his wife were trying to quiet down. The man whispered to his wife who nodded and he turned his eyes looking for someone. He headed to where William stood, said man groaned "Oh no."

Aria, Kailani, and Garrison all grinned and hugged the man who greeted them fondly "Hello little Firebirds!"

"Hey, Uncle Turtle."

The man smiled sadly pulling back to look the children over, then his eyes landed on William and he rolled his eyes "Eagle."


Eagles eyes looked over Turtle with derision, covered head to toe in tattoos and with piercings littering his body, Turtle had taken full advantage of his freedom the second he left the navy.

Eagle was still the golden boy, and he showed it with every fiber of his being.

"Where's Fire?"

Eagle sighed as much as he didn't personally love Turtle, his sister did, and Turtle might just be the one to pull her out of her shock.

"She's in the office, Turtle, she... It hit her pretty hard."

Turtle nodded and headed to the office, he entered without knocking as he always did, and he found her on the floor knees pulled up and head rested on them.

"I thought I said I didn't wish to be bothered."

"Yes, well your biggest bother decided to ignore that order."

Gemma didn't look up, she didn't need to, that voice had been her constant companion during only the Navy knew how many flight hours.

Turtle walked over to where he knew a mini bar was hidden and opened it pulling out two cokes "I forgot you managed to convince Ice not to drink."

He walked back to her and sprawled out beside her on the floor "So, how have you been?"

Gemma blinked turning her head to stare at him "I'm sorry?"

Any other man probably would have backed down seeing the fire that sparked in her eyes at that question, but not Commander Jack Metcalf.

"How have you been?" He asked again enunciating every word this time, and he watched as Gemma's eyes flared and her head shot up from her knees.

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