Anger, Love, and Tears

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Gemma snuck through her grandparents house on tiptoe, she had never had the need to sneak in before so this was all new to her. She heard a floorboard creak and froze waiting she didnt hear anyone move so she continued on her way.

Then the light flicked on revealing her father leaning against a wall in the living room waiting on her, she jumped

"Hey, Dad! Whats up?"

"You're late young lady?"

Gemma rolled her eyes "Dad, I'm not fifteen anymore."

Thomas frowned "No, you're not which means I expect you to be responsible, you are living with your grandparents, one if which happens to be a trigger happy WWII veteran and you just snuck into his house... Now tell me whats wrong with this picture?"

Gemma gave a sheepish grin, she knew the rule, no sneaking in after bedtime lest you get shot by trigger happy relatives.

"I'm sorry."

Thomas approached her "Where were you?"

This time Gemma blushed "I was with someone, we were talking and I guess we lost track of time."

Thomas swallowed thickly before he asked "Just.. Just talking right?"


Thomas sighed and reached out to pull his daughter into a hug "You're growing up baby girl, and as much as I want to keep you that bright eyed little pilot fresh out of the Academy I know I cant... I'm sorry if I'm hard on you, I just want you to go as far as you possibly can, because you deserve the best baby girl... So I'm sorry about earlier and I love you."

Gemma tightened her grip "I'm sorry too, I acted like a brat..." She looked up at her father and smiled "I love you daddy."

Thomas pulled back sitting down in his chair and pulling his daughter into his lap where she snuggled close like she used to when she was a child.

"Your grandfather has been telling me about a certain pilot that has been showing you some attention."

Gemma groaned "ugh, between Grampa and William I'm surprised he is."

Thomas laughed "If your grandfather and brother vould run him off he wouldnt be worth anything. I heard his names Tom, thats a good name if I do say so myself.."

Gemma chuckled

I've heard good things about him,your Grampa says his records distinguished, Viper and a few others said he's a good man... Your Granma already has the names of your children picked out... I approve of him, if he'll make you happy."

Gemma smiled "He reminds me of you, he cares about his wingmen, he's flashy but down to earth where it matters... And he listens to me, he wants to know about my problems."

Thomas looked down and frowned "But?"

"But, what if it doesn't last? What if we get done with Topgun and we never hear from each other again?"

Thomas sighed looking towards the piano on which sat a picture of his and and his wife's wedding day.

"You know, when I met your mom I was in my last semester at the academy, I knew I would be moving on soon and so did she... But we took a chance anyway, and it was the best decision of our lives. Dont be scared of something just because it might not work.. Live life a knot at a time honey, thats the only way to truly be happy."

Gemma smiled and snuggled deeper into her fathers embrace, the two fell asleep like that.. And for just one moment Gemma was able to be a child again safe in the arms of her father before she went back to real life.

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