The Last Dance

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"He know you are up to something." Vandy said.

Vandy was absently leaning against the wall outside the castle, watching as Polly scurried about.

"I do not have much time for stealth. Maybe if he had given us some warning, we would not be so obvious about it."

Polly had noticed that The King had been periodically looking out the window and investigating their activities. He had to know what they were doing by now, but he had made no move to stop it. Interesting.

"As if anyone had the power and force to stop you." 

"Oh hush now and come help. If I do not do something about all the tension around here no one will."

Vandy laughed and happily followed every one of Polly's orders and wishes. She had already sent out invitations to half the forest, the entire kitchen has been worked into a state of frenzy and the gardens are just about restored to their former glory days. 


Polly knocked on the door and when Belle answered she almost wished she hadn't.

"Belle, it's good to see you again!" She said, but there were others standing in the hallway that were a mystery to Belle.

"You too Polly. I've missed our conversations. Who are your friends?"

 "Oh, these are just some ladies that I invited for a visit. They are here to help me with a little project. May we come in?"

Belle welcomed in Polly followed by about four other women. 

"Adam was right. You are cooking up a scheme." Belle said after being introduced to everyone. The four women turned out to be elves who were all extremely shy and who laughed at everything. 

"I am ashamed you ever doubted me. Someone has to keep everything together and right now that means fixing you up."

Belle laughed, Polly was forever looking over everyone.

"What are you fixing me up for Polly?" Belle asked. 

"The ball!" One of the elves answered in reply.

"A Ball?!" Belle could not believe Polly's gumption. "Adam is going to kill you."

Polly laughed at that and grabbed Belle's hand, leading her to the wardrobe and began rifling through her dresses. 

"Adam is not going to be killing me at the end of this night. He will be groveling at my feet after we are through with you." The elves exploded in a wave of giggles and Belle felt her face flush red

Despite all Belle's protests and reassurances that she was perfectly well prepared for a ball, nobody seemed to listen to her. She stood trapped and frozen being worked on all at once. Two elves, worked on her dress while the other two stood on stools and were braiding her hair. 

They all took great pride in their work and they were experts in their crafts. When they agreed Belle was fit for a ball she ran her hands over the work of the elves and wished she could see the finery that they had created for her. 

"I am in you debt." Belle said, obsessed with the light feel and fabric of the dress. She swayed lightly letting the fabric swirl around her legs. The four elves all left once they had fawned over their creations enough leaving Polly alone with Belle.

"Thank you Polly for setting all this up. I feel beautiful." 

Polly took Belle's hands. "You have always looked beautiful, but now you look as though you are glowing."

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