Kitchens in Castles

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Belle had a new room, but it was still just a cell with softer sheets. She had been imprisoned for three days now.

The room was nice, as far as she could tell. There were three rooms all connected that were considered "hers". There was a room with a bed and a desk, a washroom, and a sitting room where she usually took her meals. It felt like a cruel irony to be living and eating better now that she was imprisoned.

Every morning Polly came by and brought breakfast and polite conversation. Every morning she extended the offer to show Belle around the castle, but every morning Belle turned her down, and then Polly left Belle alone. She would stop in and check on her once or twice throughout the day and then bring her the evening meal, but she was isolated other than that.

"It would be a beautiful day to take a turn about the castle," Polly said on the fourth morning. Metal shifted against metal as Polly opened the curtains and let new warmth into the room.

"I am content where I am."

Polly brought a breakfast tray to the table, but she did not leave. Instead, she took the seat across from Belle.

"Ms. Belle, we have become acquainted in the past few days, and I was wondering if I could be somewhat bold?"

Belle laughed. From what little conversation she had held with Polly, she did not know how to be anything other than bold. "Be as blunt as you like." Kind lies were sometimes crueler than hard truths.

"Well, I-" She stopped, and Belle could almost hear her searching for the right words. "Oh, blast it all. I will just come out and say it. You do not need to hide your afflictions on my behalf. You are, if I am correct, a very blind woman."

Belle's stomach dropped. She had been well practiced in hiding her blindness. She had her sight for most of her life and knew how to hold her eyes in a way that looked natural. She knew that it was not foolproof, but she assumed that no one would notice with how little interaction she had throughout the day.

"I am-" Belle thought about denying it, but then realized how futile her denials would be. "Yes. Have I been so poor at hiding it?"

Polly laughed, "I may be old, but you will find that most creatures in the forest have an affinity for finding weaknesses."

Belle felt her face flame red in embarrassment. She had worked so hard to hide it only to be seen through so easily. A horrific thought flew to her mind.

"Does he know?" Belle asked, "Does he know that I am- that I can't."

Polly cut her off. "I am not sure, but I would bet he was completely unaware. Vandy did not notice, and those two were never the most observant when it came to women anyways."

"Are you going to tell them." Belle said awkwardly. Imagining all the beasts gathering together and gossiping about her was an odd notion, but Belle needed to know.

"Things would be different if he knew. It might help me convince him to let you go."

The idea of being let go simply because she was blind angered her. She imagined returning to her home and telling her father the sad truth. "Not even then Beast King wanted me after he saw how pathetic I was." No. She was not someone who needed pity.

"Why would it be different?" She asked.

Polly was silent for a long while. "You have my word. I will not say a thing, but they are both bound to find out eventually. No matter what I might say about them, they are not completely incompetent."

"We will see." Belle said. She did not plan on spending enough time around the King of Beasts for him to learn anything.

"I will honor your request, but I have a request of my own."

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