Good Intentions

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Belle had managed to make it to her rooms that night on her own, and immediately crawled into her bed without even bothering to change. When she woke in the morning, she was completely sore, both her feelings and her body. They must have danced longer than she had realized because she felt as though she had been trampled over by a horse.

"Good morning dear!" Said Polly as she came in, setting a tray down at the table across the room.

Belle crossed the room to get breakfast, but she was just tired enough and just distracted enough by the previous night's events that she tripped gracelessly over a large solid object and hit her head on something else while falling down.

Polly was over to help her up in a second. "Goodness! I should've thought to warn you earlier!"

Belle clutched her head in pain and then felt out wildly for the alien object in her room. She finally found it, "Is it a Chair?"

"Yes." Polly replied, "The staff received orders to bring it in early this morning. I had thought that you requested it."

Belle felt around it a little more and then sat down on it, a smile breaking across her face the second she did. It was the chair from the library. Her smile died a little when she began to wonder what the chair meant.

"Are you alright dear?" Polly asked urgently, moving her hand across Belle's forehead where she had just hit it.

"Yes, I think I am."

"Are you sure? You're going to have a huge knot on your head. I need to talk to the staff about moving the furniture in your room! They should be more careful than that!"

"No, don't worry about it. It wasn't their fault, I probably would've been more careful if I wasn't so distracted this morning."

"And what could possibly be making you so distracted?" Polly asked with a smile in her voice.

"Nothing." Belle said, but she felt the heat rise in her face.

"It doesn't seem like nothing dear, you're absolutely flushed, and I don't think it's just your head injury." Polly leaned over sitting next to Belle on the Lounge chair and she leaned over to whisper conspiratorially, "Does it have anything to do with why his majesty has taken over the furniture decorating in your room?"

"No" Belle said, and it was the truth. No matter how foolish she had acted last night, the fact of the matter was that he had pushed her away. Was the chair an apology? She heard the regret in his voice clear as day. His regret for kissing her. "I have no idea why this chair is now here, but I intend to figure it out."

Polly stood up suddenly, "Well you just make sure you get something to eat dear. I should go finish the rest of my morning routine."

Polly walked across the room but the stopped when she reached the door, "Oh, and in case you wanted to discuss furniture placement, I saw a certain someone in the garden on my way here."

Polly left, and Belle sat alone in the room for about 30 seconds before she quickly threw on one of her comfortable day dresses, grabbed a piece of toast from the table, and left.

The second she walked out into the garden she began to feel insecurities surround her head. Here she was walking around aimlessly looking for someone who had rejected her the night before. If he despised her because she would forever be just another woman who had went into the forest on a blood moon, then seeking him out now would probably just confirm his suspicions of her character.

She walked aimlessly in the garden her mind spiraling down, remembering the night before how foolish she must have seemed, and how even more foolish she must seem now, in the garden, seeking him out. 

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