Story 17

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I'm wearing a pretty blue shirt rn. ANYWAYSSSS, here's a storieeeee!!!!
Lol one time this really weird kid came over and his little sister came he was really weird. Lol he was obsessed with like poké man or some shit like that and he would spit when he talked so yeah. and his sister was even worse. She was Ssssoooooooo AnNOyiNG!!! so I decided to mess with her a bit. Suddenly, I pointed to the sky and said, "OH MY GOD LOOK ITS A MUTANT RAINBOW MAGICAL DUCK!" She got so excited and was all like "Where?" so I said it flew away. And for the whole day I would keep "spotting" some "mutant ducks" and at the end of the day she just went crazy and ran around the whole yard looking for mutant rainbow fucking ducks.

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