Story 14

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Okay, so once, it was Halloween, I was a little 8 year old twat, and my friends Ryan and Kyle were over. Well at this time, I HHAAATTEEEEDD these two girls joann and Megan, and they were my neighbors so naturally they were gonna come trick or treating to our house. Well, were tool this sound machine thing that supposedly attracts coyotes, and no, we don't use it to attract coyotes to rape joann and Megan. Instead, we use it to scare the DICK FINGERING FUCK out of these to twatholes. You see, it made these weird noises that sounded like other coyotes so real coyotes would think it's a mate. Well, when joann and Megan came down our driveway, we put it FULL FUCKING BLAST. they were rlly freakin scared. It was great. But yeah, they were screaming and shit, and me, being the genius I am, decided to wear my favorite color that day- fucking NYAN ORANGE... so yeah, they spotted us, and they were all like, "we weren't even scared you losers we were just pretending..." yeah fuckin right. Lolz then we threw candy at their faces the end

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