Just Friends

247 5 8

(High school AU)
((also sorry but idk how to make short stories lmaooo, this is long af. I feel like it's mostly dialogue tho, so it shouldn't be too bad! I hope you enjoy ~~


'There are lots of things that don't make sense in this world. And bloody Francis Bonnefoy is one of them. He's stupid, French, blond with blue eyes, incredibly attrac—. ANNOYING! I meant annoying.' Arthur nearly smacked himself on the forehead, but, remembering he was in public, simply regained composure and moved on.

"Speak of the devil," Arthur mutters as said blond Frenchman bounded up to him.

"Arthur!" He exclaims, grinning like the devil. He throws his arms around the smaller male, causing Arthur to make the weirdest noise imaginable. Arthur tries to push him off, his pale cheeks suddenly blazing.

"Get off of me, you prick!" Arthur shouts and, immediately, Francis lets go. Arthur huffs, brushing himself off. "That's better. What do you want," Arthur questions, looking up at him.

"To bother you," Francis shrugs, "Non, actually, I just wanted to greet you." Francis pats Arthur's head, much to the Brit's dismay. "I'll see you in class, Arthur," Francis coos, moving past him with a small smirk.

"Bloody hell. That frog is going to be the death of me," Arthur sighs, marching off to his locker before class began.

He didn't even notice all of the people that had been pointing, staring, and obviously whispering about them. Francis had, however, but he had a plan. It may or may not end with Arthur hating him, but Francis was willing to take the risk.

Classes rolled by and soon, it was time for lunch. Arthur, Francis, Alfred, Gilbert, and Matthew typically sat together for lunch with Arthur sandwiched between Alfred and Matthew, both of whom were like family to him. They had been best friends since much before middle school. Today seemed a little different. Matthew shyly takes Arthur's place, glancing at him nervously.

Arthur quirks a brow, taking his new place on the other side of the table. The chair that was normally Matthew's had disappeared. Coincidentally, the seat beside the one Arthur was forced to choose was Francis's. Arthur couldn't help but feel like that was on purpose.

Alfred grins at him, a gleam in his eyes. "You both are acting strange," Arthur comments, digging into his gross cafeteria food.

"Huh? Strange? Me?" Matthew asks, looking down to avoid Arthur's eyes.

"Indeed," Arthur says, looking up as Francis joins them. He tried not to look too happy, but he couldn't tell if it worked or not.

"Hello!" Francis greets, smiling at them all. "It's been a while, Arthur," He grins, looking at the boy beside him.

"I saw you this morning, Francis," Arthur retorts, scrunching his nose at Francis.

"That was so long ago, though," Francis pouts, poking Arthur's nose.

"Hey," Arthur looks back down at his food, "Stop that." Francis grins and begins eating with them.

Soon enough, lunch ends and the four split up to head to their respective classes. After school, as per usual for them, they met up at the doors. Francis and Arthur got there first and the former leans against the wall as the two wait for Alfred and Matthew.

"Don't I look extra hot like this?" Francis asks, grinning. Arthur's face heats up and he looks at Francis through widened eyes.

"Huh? No way! And who said you ever looked hot?" Arthur snaps, crossing his arms. Francis chuckles, shaking his head.

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