Chapter 20

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"Geh. Okay, now listen here... give me back my wallet."

The innocent little white cat, glared at me as it continued to playfully chew on my wallet. I reached my hand out to it to signal that I wanted my wallet back, but it tilted its head before turning away from me. 

"Who's cat steals wallets anyways? Just give it back." I reached to grab my wallet only to be bit.

"Ouch! What the f*ck?"

Kazuha walked out of the house after hearing me yelling outside of the house, looking confused. When he saw the cat, his eyes brightened.

"Oh, Kumo! What are you doing here?" He said picking up the cat. Noticing my frustrated expression, he laughed and carefully took my wallet from the little paws. "Here you go, y/n."

"Thanks." I grumbled, hesitantly patting the cat. "Is this guy yours?"

Kazuha shook his head. "No, Kumo belonged to my friend, Tomo, who has... sadly passed. I left her with a friend, but she seems to keep coming back. Don't worry, she doesn't usually bite."

"Don't lie, Kazu. She's already bit me once." I replied, looking at the cat slightly annoyed.

"Kazu?" He laughed. "Is that your new nickname for me?"

"W-what? It's cute."

Kazuha looked at me with a smile before nodding towards my hand, gesturing that he wanted to take a look. I followed him in.


Kumo stretched on the couch and comfortably laid down. Taking out the first aid kit, Kazuha looked at the small bite. I watched as he blanked out for a second before taking out a bandage.


"No Kazu this time? Hehe."

"Stop teasing me!" I retorted as my face heated up.

I turned away from him and noticed Kumo sitting next to me. Reaching my hand down, I mumbled, "You're not going to do anything to me again are you?" and pat Kumo's soft head. I heard a small purr before she jumped onto my lap.

"Have you ever had a pet, y/n?"

"No, my parents never wanted to take care of a pet so they never allowed it."

"Hm. Why don't we keep Kumo with us? It seems she has also taken a liking to you."

"What about the people who were taking care of her?"

"I uh... actually recieved a call earlier saying they didn't want to take care of her anymore because Kumo kept running off for days before coming back. Said they nearly get heart attacks when she's gone." He nervously chuckled.

I picked up the small cat. "You hear that, Kumo? Kazu says we can keep you here!"

Kumo meowed in confirmation.

(Kazuha's POV)*

I watched y/n as she gave all her attention to Kumo. I must admit, I did feel a little jealous that her attention to me was taken away the moment Kumo warmed up to her.

"Kazu, why do you look so grumpy all of a sudden?" y/n teased.

I sighed. "It's nothing. I'll get lunch ready."

Getting up from my chair, I felt y/n tug onto my sleeve. She smiled at me and pulled me into a kiss.

"Hehe. I didn't know you would get jealous over a cat, Kazu."

"Well, I certainly didn't expect you to see right through me."

"Boo. I'm not that dumb." 

I turned around, pretending nothing happened, and began walking into the kitchen. Y/n let out an offended and dramatic gasp and ran over. She jumped onto me and I stumbled forward.

"Kazuuuuuu, I'm sorry! I'll give you more attention! I promise!" She rambled on, hugging me tightly from behind.

Kumo cuddled against our legs and I saw y/n look down before tightly shutting her eyes.

"Sorry, Kumo! Right now, I must give my attention to Kazu!"

I let out a laugh and y/n loosened her grip, confused. Turning around, I hugged her and sighed. "What would I do without you, y/n?"

"Ehhh, probably going on with your previous boring life from before."

"Okay, that's where I'll draw the line." I playfully scolded, turning around once more.



(???'s PO---_--_- Xeno's POV)*

It's not safe out there, sister... Don't worry. I'll make sure you realize it.

"Find out who this, 'Kazu' is and get rid of anyone who may potentially get in the way."

A frightened agent nodded and quickly left.

"Now I think you're just stubbornly stupid. There's nothing special about the girl. Are you sure she can prove to be useful to the Fatui at all?"

"Just trust me, Scaramouche. You'll get your promotion soon enough."

The short boy hummed a sign of amusement and left the room.


A/N: I changed my formatting for the POV switches because the previous ones were really chunky and took up a lot of space. I hope the changes look better. Bye :P

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