Chapter 3

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"Hey, Y/N!"

I turned around to see Hu Tao as she ran up to me with Ganyu and Keqing following behind her.

"How've you been? My friend, Yoimiya, told me that you've been staying at this guy's place while your parents are gone." Hu Tao said with a smug face.

"Oh, I asked Xiao about it and he told me that Kazuha probably had space so... but anyways I'm doing well."


Today, Xiao didn't eat lunch with us, but no one questioned it. Ganyu told me that we would most likely have a project assigned soon because it was nearing winter break. A lot of us groaned when we heard this, and I did too. Keqing laughed at all of us.

Xingqiu normally always reads books but today, he was doing something on his phone. I decided to take a peek and snuck up behind him. He quickly noticed so I only saw my name and Kazuha's name on the screen. Xinqiu's face grew bright red as he covered his phone and tried to come with excuses to what he was doing.


"Y/N, do you walk home with Kazuha now that you stay with him?"

"No, Chongyun. He's got his own stuff and plus it's only been a day since I've actually met him." I replied shaking my head.


Chongyun I kept talking as we both grabbed the things we needed from our lockers when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Oh! Kazuha! Hi!"

"Hello, Y/N. Could we talk for a quick moment?"

I looked over to Chongyun and he gave me a thumbs up before walking away. "Sure."


"I need you to keep a secret for me. Is that alright?"

"Yup. I'm good at keeping secrets."

"Alright then, do you know the band group 4NEMO?"

"Of course I do! Their songs are amazing!"

We were in one of the classrooms that nobody went into after all classes ended, but Kazuha still looked around as if someone might be listening.

"Xiao, along with a few other friends, and I are the members of that band."

"Oh... OHHHHHH."

I covered my mouth in shock. 4NEMO rarely did in person shows so not many people knew who the identities of the members, yet Kazuha was straight up telling me that every member is in our school and I already knew 2 of them.

"Remember this is a secret." Kazuha said placing a finger on his lips.

"I know. I know. But why are you telling me this? We literally met yesterday."

"We didn't- whatever. I need you to know this because our group is having a meeting at my place today."

I nodded and gave him an okay sign. (👌)




kazuha told you right?


if you're talking about being part of yk what

then yes



i'll see you later



why did you guys still decide to do the

meeting at kazuha's place if i'm there?

wouldn't that be bad for you guys?


stop asking so many questions

aether can explain it to you later




I was helping Kazuha out by getting some fruits prepared on the table when I heard the door bell ring.

"Y/N, could you get that? It's probably Jean."


When I opened the door, a tall lady with blonde hair tied into a ponytail stood there.

"Oh, I don't recognize you. Are you perhaps Kazuha's new girlfriend?"

"N-no! I asked if I could stay until my parents came back from their trips!"

"I see. I'm sorry I made assumptions." She walked inside and sat down on the couch. Kazuha walked over to us and set the snacks we had prepared down on the table. The door bell rang again and since the door was left unlocked, Xiao and two other boys walked in.

"You guys are late." Kazuha said with a small laugh.

"We're only a few minutes late, Kazuha!" a short boy with ombre hair in braids yelled while pointing to an imaginary clock on the bare wall.

"Venti, there isn't a clock there..."


The three boys walked over to the couches where Jean and Kazuha were and sat down. I wasn't really sure what to do so I just decided to go back to my room, but Kazuha stopped me.

"Y/N, you are also involved with today's meeting so you'll have to stay as well."

"Ah-  I see."


First, Kazuha introduced me to the three people I haven't met before: Venti, Aether, and Jean. Venti and Aether were the two other members of 4NEMO besides Kazuha and Xiao. Jean was their manager. Then, Aether began to fill me in on why I was now involved.

"Basically, Xiao told Venti and me that you would be staying at Kazuha's place because you had... family problems. We decided to ask a few people about you, mostly Xiangling and your friends from previous years. Kazuha also said," Aether looked towards a glaring Kazuha and paused before continuing," Nevermind. In the end, we thought you were trustworthy enough and now you're officially involved."

"I understood about 50% of that."

Xiao gave a fake cough, "Basically we trust you."

Venti looked at Xiao smugly which resulted in a smack from Xiao. While Venti rubbed his injured cheek, Jean took out her laptop and began talking about schedules and stuff.

"Well, now that we have everything sorted out, I want to go over a few things with all of you, including Y/N."

Everyone nodded their heads and Jean continued.

"As 4 of you already know, although I am your manager, I will be unable to always accompany you when needed. Y/N, before we continue with this meeting, we want to know how you feel about... working as a second manager for 4NEMO."


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