Chapter 4

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"S-second manager?!"

Everyone looked at me expectantly. Mom told me to get a job... she probably thought I was going to get a part time job at McDonalds or something. 

"We do understand if you don't want to. There are many things that you would have to get used to, along with getting to know other people, making arrangements, working around schedules, etc." Jean said.

I slightly nodded my head and smiled. "I'll do it."

Jean and Aether looked relieved, Venti jumped off the couch and put his arms in the air in success, while Xiao and Kazuha looked like they knew I was going to accept the entire time.

"Alright then, now that we have that all settled, I will add Y/N onto the list later. There are many demands on the internet requesting for a concert with your newest song. What do you think about this?"

Venti immediately yelled, "Let's do it! We haven't done a concert in a while!"

"That's true. Alright." Kazuha replied to Venti's excitement.

Aether nodded and Xiao just grunted a "Hmph." 

"Okay. Y/N let's start a bit with your manager training with this then. Since we have decided to do a concert soon, when should we do it? It has to be a time when anyone could come."

I sat there thinking for a bit until I came to my conclusion. "Well, winter break is coming up, so we could do it sometime then because nobody is going to be going to school during that time and a good deal of adults might take time off of work."

Jean gave me a thumbs up, "Good job. I'll let you all know the details once I find a place and a time for the concert. Before then, make sure to be working on the song along with another one or two."

We all nodded and the group of boys began to talk about the upcoming concert and plans to meet up or whatever. Jean walked up to me and began talking to me about a few things.

"Y/N, I have a feeling you haven't had any jobs that have to do with management so why don't we meet up sometime and I can help discuss things. That way when I am not with you at a concert or whatever the boys end up doing, you'll know what to do."

"That sounds great. Thank you very much!"

"Alright, does 1:00 pm at the café at ******** on... let's see," Jean took out her phone, "how about Saturday? Does that work for you?"


After everyone had finished talking about plans, life, stuff, and I don't know, Venti, Aether, Xiao, and Jean left. Kazuha and I waved off to the others as they went back to their cars.


I met up with Jean on Saturday at the designated time. Jean ordered a coffee and I got a f/d (favorite/drink). We talked for a while on how working as a manager would work, what I would be doing at each concert, etc. Honestly, it was pretty fun. 

(A/N: I didn't want to write out the entire scene sorry TwT)

While I was walking back to Kazuha's house, I remebered that I left something at my house and after a bit of thinking I decided to go back and get what I needed.


When I reached the house I saw a few men outside the door.

"Excuse me, do you need anything?"

The men turned to face me and one of them answered. "Are you the daughter of f/n and m/n (father's/name + mother's/name)?"

I nodded. "Yes, that's me."

The guy who was speaking to me turned to the other men. The others nodded and the man spoke again. "While you were not in the house, your father has committed many crimes. With this in mind, we're here to take him."

These guy were policemen. I'm so stupid. Every word shocked me, but I hesitantly took out my keys and opened the front door. Inside, my father laid on the couch, drunk and unconscious. A bottle of strong wine was on the table along with a few glass cups. One of the cups were broken.

I heard one of the men tell the others to seize my father as I fell onto my knees. What stupid things have my father done? The man who spoke to me earlier came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"...How can I? My parents abandoned me and when I was getting my life back together, my father turns out to be a F**KING CRIMINAL?!" I yelled as I punched the ground.

On my left hand, I hit the ground too hard and it bled. The man grabbed my hands and forced me to stop.

"Miss, take all the stuff you needed from this house. We'll take you somewhere to stay until you find a place."

"I already have a place I'm staying at..."

"I see. Grab your stuff. We'll take you there."


Kazuha POV


Y/N had gone out earlier to meet up with Jean. I had been looking over some of the sheet music for the upcoming concert when I looked out the window to see Y/N come out of a police car. She looked shocked and confused. I rushed outside and grabbed her shoulders.

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

She looked up at me. "Kazuha, I-" before she finished her sentence she hugged me. 


"Sir, I would like to talk with you for a moment."

I nodded and brought the policeman into the house.


The policeman told me what had happened. Y/N was asleep on my shoulder. I held her closely to me after I heard everything.

"So that's what happened... I'll take care of her, sir. Don't worry."

After the policeman heard my statement he nodded and left.


A/N: I'll probably do a double post today because I'll be busy tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll have time to post. Also thank you to the people who are reading. <3

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