Chapter 5

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Annabeth had made a bad move. Her sitting here was a sign. You could basically hear the cafeteria voices quiet down. Most people were watching us.

The jocks looked at me with envy. I'm not gonna lie, Annabeth was gorgeous. From what I'd seen, she was smart. Her body was built like an athlete's and she showed that at gym. She was perfect. And she was ruining that by sitting with me.

But I said yes.

Annabeth smiled. "Is the school food good?"

I let out a laugh. A small one. "I'd rather drink lava from the depths of hell."

"That bad, huh?" Annabeth tore off half of her turkey sandwich and handed it to me. "Here. I never eat all of it anyways."

I took it gratefully and pushed away the lunch tray. Annabeth laughed.

"So, Percy, what does your mom do?"

"She's a kindergarten teacher."

"What about your dad?"

What an innocent question.

"I don't have a dad."

Annabeth's cheeks went red with embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know."

"It's alright."

I was sort of happy Annabeth was here. Talking to her helped me. Why? Well, remember those panic attacks? They happened when I was alone with my thoughts. When I would think. That's why I listened to music. My mind wouldn't focus on life, it would be engulfed in music. Talking was an alternative, but one I rarely used.

Annabeth and I ate in silence. I stared at her for the most part, and sometimes she would catch me staring. My cheeks went red with embarrassment.

I was looking at her for a specific reason. Her eyes. They were unlike the rest of her. They were dark, loud, and always alert, yet dreamy. Like she was in two worlds. If someone glanced at her, they would think of her as a typical white girl. But if you looked at her eyes. It was different.

"Why are you staring at me?"

(A\N because ur beautiful. Jk)

My thoughts froze. Annabeth looked at me, her face both amused and questioning. I blushed.

"Oh, was I? Sorry, I was just thinking about your eyes-- I mean. Ugh."

Annabeth giggled. It made her grey eyes lighten up. "Wow, Perce."

"I'm sorry. It's just that, you know, your eyes are really pretty," I confessed, feeling like a complete idiot.

"Er, thanks." Annabeth took another bite of her sandwich.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the jocks staring at her. They were staring at her in such a fucked up way. Like she was a doll on the shelf of a store that you really wanted. They were looking at her body, for sure. They had a perfect view of her side and back. It's so messed up when guys look at girls like that.

But hey, what can a depressed teenage boy do?

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