Chapter 31

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When They Get to the Kukuroo Mountain (Because the trip was boring)

"Your family owns an entire fucking mountain?"

"Yes?" I'm rich, but not that rich!

"Honestly, I don't feel bad for making you pay for everything then." I said. Stupid rich person.

"You felt bad before?" Illumi asked. Haha, no.

"Anyways why's the door so big? And why are we hiding in a tree?" I questioned.

"I don't want the guard to know I'm home yet. And it's called the testing gate, you should try to open it." Illumi answered.

"K" I replied, jumping down from the tree. I headed toward the testing gate. Fucking hell it's huge.

"Hm? Are you lost?" The guard asked.

"Nope! Wanted to see if I could open this." I replied, pointing toward the gate.

"You can try, each of the doors on the first gate weighs two tons. You'd have to be able to push four tons to open the first gate." The guard said. So I can open it, it's just a matter of how many gates I can open. I walked to the testing gate, opening up five of the seven gates.

"So how many tons was that?" I asked the guard who was standing there in shock. I'm surprised the old man didn't die of a heart attack.

"Sixty-four.." The guard said, still in shock.


"Oh! Oh I have to call Gotoh." He said, finally snapping out of shock.

"That won't be necessary." Illumi said, jumping down from the tree.

"Huh? oh, master Illumi, welcome home." The guard said, now bowing.

"So?" I asked.

"So what?" Illumi questioned.

"So, am I good enough to enter your family's fucking mountain?" I asked.

"Yes." Illumi replied, reopening the gate allowing me and him to enter. I wonder if Gon's still around... Eh, probably, kid doesn't know how to give up.

"So.. where we going now?" I asked, following Illumi.

"The house." Illumi replied.

"Ooo, I can meet your family now. I wonder how they'll react with the whole being a L/n thing."

"They'll probably attempt to kill you." Illumi replied. Oh, well alright.

"Oh so follow someone I met like a month ago to my certain death." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Exactly." Illumi responded.

"Y'know I haven't actually talked to my mom, she probably thinks the exam is still going on. Oh well." I mentioned, still following Illumi.

"Welcome home master Illumi." Another guard said. Damn, mans was ignored.

"Probably, you also haven't texted that groupchat either." Illumi pointed out. Oh shit.

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