Chapter 18- Spencer

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The stone felt smooth in Spencer's hand. He rubbed it a few times, almost feeling tipsy with power. His hair hung over his face as he hunched over, tapping his foot on the ceramic tile. "I hate this." He muttered to Ophelia who was sitting next to him and looked even more nervous than he did. "This is bullshit. I'm his boyfriend I should be there with him." He squeezed the stone lightly, feeling it vibrate with pressure. "No, you're not." She mumbled under her breath, sweeping a strand of hair under her ear. "What?" He asked in a passive aggressive tone, he would never hit a woman but this seemed like an exception. "You don't care about him. Not like I do anyway. You don't compliment him at all, you never spend time with him, every time he brings you up he looks like he's about to cry." Her tone was exhausted, her pink dress sagging under her body. Spencer scoffed, knowing that she probably assumed she was better than him. "Whatever. I'm out of here." He mumbled, shoving the stone back in his pocket. The only thing on his mind was getting the objects out of there. Spencer could feel Ophelia's hesitation before she quietly shuffled forth, following him. "This is not because I like you. I just want to give Ian space." She grumbled under her breath. Spencer scoffed and planted a smirk on his face. "Give it time."

As if an answer to his flirtatious comment, he felt heavy breathing behind him. "I wanna come." Spencer immediately turned around, confused and slightly disturbed at the stranger behind him. Wide eyes and a bridge of freckles looked up at him in worry. The stranger had curly hair tied back by a ribbon and tear stains that went down to their jawline. "Oliver?" Ophelia asked confusion etched on her face. "Are you sure? I think at least one of us should stay with Ian and-" Ophelia was cut off by Oliver's now angry expression. "No! If you're coming with the asshole, then so am I!" Spencer groaned and tugged his coat forward. "Alright here's the plan. Pink dress and I will check out the swamp- aka pixie territory. We have the sword- at least once Than gives it up, and this stone Leaf gave me. That still leaves the bottle, noose, and ax. We'll cover more ground once we split up." He began moving, taking no account or care of the lives behind him. "Why can't Ophelia and I go together and you go to the swamp? You sure didn't care to be near pixies when you abandoned Ian." Oliver spat. Spencer felt his skin shrivel up. "How do you know about that?" He asked in a glaring tone, balling up his fists. "Your elf friend told us." Ophelia stepped in, placing a gentle hand on Oliver's shoulder, making his skin flush in a bright red color.

Spencer took a deep breath, rubbing his sunken eyes with his fingers. "Look I don't care what you do. But do you want to help Ian or not?" Ophelia was then fully caught up with the situation at hand, now knowing there was no good to this compromise. She took a shriveling sigh and latched herself onto his elbow like a maidenly love interest. "Oliver he's right. We'll meet back later." Spencer felt his chest puff out at the male-dominated line of being correct. He could feel the heartbreak from the boy standing behind them but in all honesty- he could care less. Then, he had an idea. Turning back to Oliver he knelt and whispered something, watching Oliver's face twist into confusion but then agreed. He took a breath and trotted back into the wing. "What did you tell him"? Ophelia asked, puffing out her dress and eyeing the scenery. "Just that there's an object hidden on the east side." He shrugged, propping the door open and allowing her to pass through.


The swamp's murky waters made him think about Than's living conditions. The water was a sickly green with hot bubbles spewing and popping around them. His body tensed up as he shoved his hands down lower, letting out a disgusted groan as he searched for any magical property. Around him, willow trees shook and dragged their limbs into the skin of the water. "So Ian tells me you two are dating?" Ophelia asked, wiping some sludge off of her hands. Spencer groaned in annoyance. Everything was about Ian. Were they even dating? He asked Ian out as a joke- mainly for the sleeping together benefits but Ian was such a baby when it came to psychical touch and would follow Spencer around like some abused puppy. They hadn't even had sex yet so how could he consider Ian a boyfriend when he was more of a fling? Spencer scoffed. "That's what he thinks. I'm with someone else." He shoved his head in the water to try and get a clearer sight, feeling the hum of magic. His fingers curled around a glowing orange bottle, not much bigger than his palm, and his mouth twisted into a sick grin, overwhelmed with power. Three down. Two to go. All he needed was the ax and the noose. He pulled his head back and wiped his eyes that burned with salt and practically jumped at how close Ophelia was to him. Up close, he realized how beautiful she was with brown eyes that sparkled through his and lips that were red and plump. She probably didn't realize what a tease she was being.

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