Chapter 16- Spencer

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Spencer's head ached from the morning after. His bed's cool surface felt like ice to his skin. His eyelids fluttered open, long lashes gently seeping through bloodshot corneas. As he sat up, trying to part his hair that stuck out at weird places, his muscles ached with tension, making him grumble. His vision was still foggy and his head was pounding with pain, as if someone had struck a bell inside his mind. He could barely stay awake. The sunlight filtering in through his exposed curtains was blinding and he could barely shuffle out of bed to close him, his legs wobbling to the cold floor. His mouth tasted of sand and dry parchment and his stomach felt like an atomic bomb had went off inside his organs. The worst part was that he couldn't remember anything. There was no explanation for why he woke up fully clothed with shoes, or the reeking puddle of vomit by his bed. As if the universe had answered his question, he heard his name yelled at from across the palace.

Stumbling through the halls and trying not to throw up on any tapestries, he finally was able to make it to his mother- Genevieve's study. She was dressed formally, in a collared shirt and slacks, her eyebrows tensed in fury and her face looked as red as a blood moon. Seated across from her was the same girl he had met once before, raven hair and a pale face hidden away by a red cloak. She dangled her feet across the chair playfully, even though her legs were relatively long. Spencer squinted his eyes at the scene, trying to make sense of the social cues. He let out a yawn, feeling the exhaustion hit his body like a wrecking ball. "Good morning." He said timidly, stumbling into the office and sitting next to the stranger. The office was nice, it was meant as a war room but since the kingdom would be impossible to attack, it served as a book keeping and council room, used to declare new leaders and invoke important meetings. "Where were you last night"? Genevieve snapped, her head pulsing a vein. "According to this- girl, you were getting drunk with a pixie. Nude." Her facial expression didn't change but Spencer felt out of place in that moment, embarrassed that he could have done something like that. "Look I don't know. I don't remember anything. So just give me my punishment and I'll leave." He knew his mother was all bark and no bite, she was too scared to give up her throne rather than worry about his well being. Genevieve was about to yell when A finally rose to her seat, beaming a sharp smile. "If I may, I would be more than happy to accompany you. Perhaps someone in this kingdom heard or saw you at the party?" Her words were like honey, and his mother was a fly falling right into it. Or so A wanted to think. Genevieve took a sharp breath and as if she was in a trance, left the room, fully ignoring the stranger's remark. It was odd to see his mother in a zombie state but if it meant he got off scot free, he couldn't complain.

Spencer rolled his eyes at the girl. She was just a kid, maybe a year or so older than him. She's out of place to interrupt a Royal. "Do what you want. Just get out of my home." He grumbled, noticing a barely full bottle of whisky on his mother's desk. He had never tried alcohol before but this seemed like the right time to. He cracked open the bottle and took a swig, immediately spitting the liquid out. It burned his throat and he gasped for air, clawing at his tongue to get the flavor out. "Uncomfortable?" He heard the girl say, her familiar black shoes clacking as she made her way over to him. He noticed that in her hand was a staff with a glowing pink orb, A sorceress. He thought that race was excitant after the genocide age twelve years ago in fathering kingdoms. "Next time- don't fuck with me. Or I'll do a lot worse than make you drunk." Spencer's eyes started hollowing, black spots forming as he was losing vision. His mind raced with thoughts of suffocation and death as he choked over his own air, gagging up saliva. The girl spun on her heel, her cloak fluttering behind her as she paced down the hallway, air finally returning to his body as he collapsed to the ground, wheezing and panting for breath. He needed an explanation. He needed answers. He needed someone that knew him better than anyone else.
- - -
"You're an asshole." Than growled. His back was to the sewer entrance so Spencer couldn't see his face. Spencer sighed and crossed his legs as he sat down, ignoring the god awful sewer smell that seemed even worse than it previously was. "Can we stop stating the obvious? I just wanna know what happened last night." Than took a heavy sigh and gave Spencer the coldest glare he had ever seen. "You made Ian cry. That's what happened." Even though that sentence should have been heartbreaking, Spencer didn't feel any sympathy or that an apology was needed. "And? He'll get over it. He always does." That comment made the air go still. Than slowly craned his head forward, the water barely moving- making it look as though he was floating. Spencer couldn't even hear Than's heavy breathing under the gas mask. "What did you just say"? Than asked quietly, his words dripping with anger. But Spencer couldn't recognize Than's tone. "I mean- he's always been sensitive. He cries about everything. Like two weeks ago I tried to kiss him and he started crying."

"Do you have any idea what the kid's been through?" Than squinted his eyes. "You abandoned him after promising him a party- the first one he's ever had and you leave to go get drunk somewhere. Leaf told me." Than sighed while grabbing a wet stick of chalk, scraping the nub against the sewer wall, scratching out a drawing of Spencer. Spencer was silent, forcing his mind to think of empty memories but it was no use. "I think I was cursed. This sorceress she- I think she made me drunk and then used a spell to forget my memories." Than groaned at the excuse. "If you're going to lie, at least do a good job. Now leave me alone. I don't wanna talk to you anymore." Than threw the chalk back in the grimy sewer water, watching it float up and down. "Why? I didn't even- you're just mad because I'm dating him and you're not." Than burst out a laugh, water splashing with his movements. "Excuse me? Do you even hear yourself?" Than chuckled. "That has to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever-"

"Don't worry. Unlike you I don't drown my partners. You say that I'm horrible? Look at yourself. You killed a girl in cold blood and now you're stuck eating rats until all eternity." Than was silent, hurt couldn't even describe the pain he was feeling right now. "At least I'm not a murderer." Spencer sneered, feeling angry at the accusations Than was throwing at him. He was about to make another comment when he saw a flash of Than's fist meet his cheek, hard. Splashing water spilled out of the sewer as Than clawed his way out, screeching and punching Spencer as hard as he could as his tail violently thrusted back and forth with the loss of movement. Blood filled Spencer's cheek as his eyes swelled from pain. He failed to get away, kicking his legs back and trying to stand but Than grabbed his ankle and dragged him back to the sewer. "Take it back!" He screamed, the gas mask coming loose. Spencer kicked backwards, cracking the gas mask as it fell off of Than's face and into the water below. Than let go of Spencer and both men were silent as they looked at the other's bloodied face. Than had some scales missing and left bleeding gashes where they used to lay. "I never wanna see you again." Than whispered, ducking his head into the water as angry bubbles formed above.

Spencer let out a shaking breath as he stood up, surprised to see a crowd forming at the sight and Leaf standing in front of him. Their ears were burnt red, cheeks swelling with anger. Spencer brushed his knees off, trying to walk past them but his shirt was grabbed, pulling him back. "Ian left because of you." Leaf whispered, drawing his face close to Spencer's ear. Spencer felt the rock in his chest finally sink to the bottom. "When did he leave?" His voice grew sad, and his face ached with pain as he felt blood trickling down his gashing forehead. Leaf angrily sighed. "You're not listening to me. Again." Leaf took their glasses off, cleaning it on their shirt. "He was able to cross through the barrier a second time, and when he did- well I'll let him tell the story." Leaf's eyebrows didn't stop furrowing. "Where is he"? Spencer asked, the urge to hear more about this story.

Leaf took a shaking breath. "Theo and Ian's friend Ophelia are with him in the health center. He's gonna be okay but- broken ribs aren't easy to recover from. Not to mention the other one." The mention of someone else being there piqued Spencer's interest. "Other guy?" Spencer asked, stepping forward. "It doesn't matter, I'll explain when we get there but- we found this." In Leaf's hand was a stone. It was black and smooth, with no edges or creases but there was a faint light to it. Almost as if it was glowing. "A rock?" Spencer laughed, confusion and pain hitting his mind. Leaf threw the rock up and caught it again, repeating this action a few times. "It's one of the seven objects. The stranger had it." Leaf mumbled. "Which means we have five left, and then we can finally go home."

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