Chapter 17- Ian

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Ian's vision blurred as the cabin in front of them flashed with familiarity. Leaf had offered to take Ian for a walk to clear his head and it had worked- for a short time. The sun had barely taken its place in the curved sky and yet Ian felt as if the light was blinding. They had spent the morning conversing over Spencer's weird behavior and Ian's ultimate decision to leave. The cabin was a rustic one, with creaking floorboards and the smell of cat urine. Ian remembered it perfectly even though he hadn't been there since he was twelve when his first love had betrayed him. "When I was- small enough to have my height measured on doorframes and when my father would come home with a bellowing laugh and breath that reeked of late nights at the tavern and my mother still had a soul- I used to have these gaping scabs at symmetrical sides of my back. Sometimes they would bleed and after a year or two they hardened. I used to tell people I had wings. That I could feel when it was safe enough to let them fully out and when I cowered with them covering my head." Ian took a breath, and then another. "And sometimes- I would feel the warmth of a hug when they wrapped around someone, the comfort of sleeping with them by my side, and of course- the pain when someone ripped my feathers out by the handful. And how the blood splattered." With a blank stare, Ian let out a dead, deprived laugh. "I guess now we know they weren't wings after all were they. But the springs of a bed." As soon as that last word left his lips, he saw it in the clearing. In the middle of a forest was a house with straw surrounding it, weeds that were knee high; snaking up the chimney and windows. Ian felt his chest tighten just looking at it. Leaf stopped walking. "I've never noticed that before. Almost as if it-"

"-Just showed up." Ian interrupted. Leaf nodded slowly, their feet pacing with the tall grass. Ian looked at Leaf for assistance but he only saw smoke, wrapping around his body. He was now inside the cabin itself.

- - - - -

Ian felt his back slam to the floor as his eyes widened in fear of what was about to happen. The room seemed to spin and an explosion of pain filled his pounding head as he straggled his body to helplessly get up but was instead met with the weight of A's knees pushing down at his sides as she grabbed his wrists with her hands and forced them next to his head, pinning them down with pain. Ian felt his breath tighten in his chest as remembrance flashed through his brain. "Brings back memories huh Ian"? A whispered into his left ear, tracing her fingers against his collarbone. Ian stayed silent, glaring at the woman before him. She slammed her lips onto his, trying to snake her tongue in between his teeth to prevent him from screaming. She pulled away, grinning as she fumbled to get both wrists in one hand. Ian felt anger cinder through his body as he finally snapped.

"You bitch!" He screamed with angry tears in his hate-filled eyes tearing his right wrist free from A's weight, taking pride in the fact that he now had a deeper voice this time instead of the feminine, young, high pitched tone he held previously, despite the fear being the same as his free hand made contact with her face, slapping her with all of his force. Ian refused to be violated again, to be so vulnerable and defenseless while someone takes advantage of your helpless and meek body. Never again. A's face darted away, her black hair whipping sharply as redness seeped through her cheek as a handprint slowly formed where the contact was. Her weight quickly lightened on Ian's body and he used this to his advantage as he tried to get control over himself, adrenaline seeping in his veins. He gritted his teeth as his pinned wrist throbbed helplessly. He cried out in pain but suddenly, he felt a piercing shot in his throat as blood bubbled in his mouth. His free hand gripped his throat as he curled his suffocated wrist. He felt himself choke on the blood that seemed to pour out of his mouth like a waterfall. A extended their fist and shot their hand again, aiming for his face. Ian, using what little strength and determination he had left, brought his right leg forward, kicking in front of him as he shut his eyes tightly, feeling her hands grip the fabric of his shirt as she tried to tear it off but was suddenly released as she slid across the floor, landing with an unpleasant crack. Ian shot her a satisfied smile, spitting out blood that splattered against the wooden floor. "Fencing lessons really did pay off." He let out a pained laugh, ignoring his throat that felt like it was on fire as he began wiping blood and tears from his dirt filled face. A stared back at him silently, slowly pulling herself together in a standing position. "I never raped anyone." Her voice was grim and shallow, her empty eyes revealing soulless windows. "You fucking lied to my friends, had the authorities question my family and almost got me banished if it wasn't for your mother who seemed to be the only one that had common sense." She gripped her ribs, letting out uneven breaths as blood trickled down her forehead. "You didn't say no. You didn't fight back, You enjoyed it." She smiled, taking pleasure in seeing Ian's ghostly face.

"I was twelve"! Ian screamed, anger fueling his body.

"And you were so mature too." A grinned, taking relish in the fact that she now had control over Ian again as she started to circle him.

Realizing what she was doing, Ian stepped back. This is what she does. She plays with people. Ian took a deep breath, this was his only chance at getting peace and he wasn't about to lose it. He eyed her staff from across the room that scattered when she tried to assault him and darted to it as fast as he could. A was one step ahead though and Ian could just barely feel the grip on his waist. His eyes widened as he thrusted his elbow behind him as hard as he could, satisfied with himself when he hear the wind knocked out of her. He threw the glass staff with all of his might, watching it break to a million pieces. "No"! A screamed behind him, he heard footsteps rapidly make his way towards him as he gripped a large piece of glass, Ian crouched down and waited, feeling his warm blood drip down his fingers where the glass cut from too much pressure. The second he felt the slightest bit of pressure on his shoulder, he struck. Turning around rapidly and sweeping his foot, A stumbled over and Ian put his plan in progress. He stomped his foot on her chest, making A freeze with eyes as large as the staff's broken orb. Ian had no pity or mercy for the girl, just hatred as he brought the glass to her neck, crouching down with his knee pressing farther into her ribcage. He wanted her to bleed, to die. She deserved to burn in hell after what she did to him. "Do you remember"? Ian whispered in such a low tone that he would've questioned if she heard him if her mouth didn't suddenly form in a serious line. "Do you remember what you did to me"? Tears pricked Ian's eyes as his tone grew louder. A's eyes quieted down into a squint as a small smirk grew on her face. "Cliche. I guess this makes you the hero and me the villain then"? She said cooley, the same voice that Ian would've thought was attractive if he were twelve again. Her smirk grew into a smile as Ian brought his free hand to her face, slapping her again. "Shut up"! He screamed, his hand burning as A now refused to meet his gaze. Ian noticed that tears were starting to form in her empty charcoal eyes and for a split second, he felt sympathy for his attacker.

He heard multiple sets of footsteps and after turning his head, the shard pressing further into A's neck- he instantly released the pressure of the glass.
"Ian"! Genevieve yelled, her eyes wide in shock and confusion, the same look that decorated the faces of the rest of the group. Behind her stood Esmerelda, Spencer, Ophelia, Leaf and June, who was already pushing her way past the crowd with her sword peeking from the sheath.

Ian suddenly dropped the glass shard, fear dancing in his eyes as Esmerelda raced over, pulling Ian off of A's body. "What is wrong with you"? She demanded, although her tone was soft and more concerned than angry.

Ian stammered to find the words and kept looking at A- who was slowly getting up, clutching their sides with a sly smile. Ian noticed her hands sneak their way to the forgotten glass and was just about to shout when he heard Genevieve step in. "Junika! Arrest her"! Without a split second, June's blade was to A's chest and the glass was once again on the ground. "Don't even think about it missy." June snarled, her gaze bleeding into A's eyes as Esmerelda hurriedly rushed Ian over to the others. Ian stared down to the ground embarrassed as Ophelia wrapped him in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." Her face buried into Ian's neck, making Spencer's chest flare up with an unusual anger. He turned away, watching A send Ian a threatening glare to the group before Junika dragged her away from the scene.

"Yeah me too-" Ian smiled but was cut off by a coughing fit. He stepped back and hunched over, splattering blood onto his hand. Spencer instantly grew concerned and stepped forward, holding out a concerned hand. "Are you okay"? He asked, almost whimpering.

Before Ian could respond, He looked up and felt the world go silent. His heart started hammering in his chest even more than the fight he just conquered. He blinked rapidly, not wanting to believe what he was seeing. He tried opening his mouth to speak but was at a loss for words at the two people approaching them.

Leaf silently adjusted their weight to better carry the injured person next to them, their fingers softly guiding the waist of the barely conscious body. Leaf's serious gaze only met the ground and no sarcastic comments left their silent lips. As their steps grew closer and closer, more and more Ian realized that this was real.

Ian took a step forward, forcing his sore throat to finally speak as he let out a tearful question.


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