5. Chapter

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I called in sick. I'm not really sure what made me do it. If it was the anxiety, the distress or the reality of meeting Ares before he was arrested and taken to the institution. The thought about spending a night in club with serial killer without knowing about him being a serial killer sent shivers of fear down my spine. 

The reality of me telling him my life to details made my anxiety rise. He knew things about me that I never told to anyone. He indeed knows my life better than anyone else. I'm cursing my intoxicated self right now.

Through the day I worked around my small apartment. I watered my flowers, did my laundry, cleaned my room, changed my sheets and made myself something to eat. As I was having my lunch, my phone rang. 

I rolled my eyes, knowing there's only one person who could be calling me. My parents. I hated the calls with them and alaways tried to get myself out of them. I did not want to hear what a dissapointment I am and how I never listened to them. I hated how they never tried to understand me. 

I picked the call instantly, wanting to get it over with so I can continue living my life, however the voice on other line was not the voice of my mother, nor the voice of my father. 

"Miss Moore." Mr. Johnsons voice greeted me. 

"Mr. Johnson, what's wrong? I called in sick today." I told him, not understanding why he would call me.  

"I know Miss Moore but I need you to come. Ares is....not happy. He wants you here for the therapy. He's threatening the staff and everyone is afraid to do anything." I sighed at the new found information.  So now he's giving me a reaction? 

What should I do? I wanted this day to myself because I needed time to process everything. Process the reality of him and me meeting before. I needed to process the reality in which my patient, who's a serial killer, is a person I met at club and while drunk, told him my lifestory. 

I did not know how to act with him. The policy of my work absolutely disagrees with the reality of patients knowing anything personal about their doctors or therapists. Yet, here we are. Me being a therapist and my patient knowing everything about my life. 

It's not like I'm happy about it. I would be much more happy if he didn't knew a single thing but we all know that no matter how much we want to, we can't change the past.

I was probably quiet for too long because I heard Mr. Johnsons voice again. " Miss Moore?" 

"I will be there soon." I answered and ended the call. I was maybe too harash but I hated the situation I was in. I felt like I am the one in cuffs being dragged from right to left how people want. No, how Ares wants.

Mr Johnson is letting Ares have everything he wants. People think that the ones working with serial killers are keeping them in handcufs witch is true but let's be honest, the real handcuffs are the ones made from fear on the hands of people who are meant to protect the innocent ones. The workers in institution should really change they jobs. 

With sigh I stood up, put my food away and went to my room. I took a black pencil skirt from my closet and paired it with green shirt tucked into the skirt. I took my black tote bag, made sure it contains my keys, wallet and Ares's file. 

At the entrance gate to the institution I was met with Garret. The sleeping guard from my first day here. He was once again, sleeping. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, not understanding how he could be working as a guard in institution with serial killers and abusers. 

I knocked on the window of his cabin to wake him up. He opened his eyes frightened. "I was called in by director. Miss Moore." I told him and showed him my pass to which he noded and opened the gate. 

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