4. Chapter

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I was laying in my bed for hours. No sleep was coming to me and I was feeling more tired by each passing second. I knew that my alarm is gonna ring soon, however, the only thing on my mind was the memory of my yesterday's conversation with director. 

"Mr. Johnson" I called after the man that was going out of his office door. 

"Miss Moore." he stopped and looked at me. He looked like he was analyzing me. I wanted to grith my teeth but I didn't. 

"Miss Moore, is this about the incident that happened with the patient? If yes, I can assure you that there's no need to worry. We took all needed precautions so the situation won't repeat again." He smiled at me friendly. I saw right through it. They didn't do anything. They just sedated the patient and decided to keep him in his room. Locked and hidden from people. 

"No Mr. Johnson. Actually I need to talk to you about Ares." I started, the words I plan to say repeating in my mind. I had a perfect plan. I know that I'm playing with fire but I needed to do this.

"Oh, is he giving you any problems?" he asked with serious tone. I cleared my throat and mentally prayed for my plan to go as I need it to go. 

"I would like him to be given to another therapist and I would like to have some other patient to work with." I tried to tell it as professional as I could. "You know, Ares is hinting me that he's interested in me and I'm afraid that he's planing to do something to me and for my own safety...I would be happier if I could be assigned someone else." I let my lips form themselves into a tight lipped smile keeping my face as professional as I could. 

"Miss Moore, I completely understand your worries and right after my break I will look into it and find him someone else while I will also find someone else for you." I smiled gratefuly which was fake but he didn't notice.  "Do you want to have your session with Ares tomorrow or should I let guard inform him that today's session with you was the last for him?" I laughed in my mind. 

"Mr. Johnson. I would really apreciate it if you let a guard inform him. I do not want to have a session with him tomorrow. " I smiled once again. I hated lying but for my plan to work, I need Mr. Johnson to believe me. 

"Okay Miss Moore. Have a good day." he smiled and I noded. 

"Thank you Mr. Johnson. Have a nice day also." I smiled and turned on my heel to leave.  

Right now, I'm not really sure I made the right decision. I do not know what can I expect from Ares. Would he really make sure that I will be his therapist? By the way he told me on our session, I understood that he meant it but I just can't help myself and doubt it. 

I am not anyone important. There's fifteen more psychologist in the institution that can take him and they would be maybe better. Maybe I will really have a new patient tomorrow. Or I will have Ares still. I am not really sure if I even want to meet him. 

Since I don't know what do expect from him, I'm a bit worried. He can take it lightly and not even talk about it, he can be angry because of it or maybe even furious. I felt a small spark of fear grown inside of me. What if he coulnd't control himself and hurt me? 

I shook my head. The sleepless night is taking it's toll on me. I did what I did. I can't chicken out now. I need to go there with my head held high and act surprised if they bring him. I can not let him know that it was a plan the whole time. I want him to think that I was really worried for myself and that I did it because I was afraid. 


I haven't slept even for a minute. I was tossing and turning the whole night contemplating if I really want to go to work today. While making myself my mornign coffee, I was mentally preparing myself for any kind of reaction that can come from Ares if he really made sure that I will stay his therapist. 

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