3. Chapter

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I was sitting in my office. Looking at my own writing. The notes from my first therapy session with Ares. I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about the possible mental illnesses he could have. I had some in my mind but I wasn't a person to circle one and end the case. 

Missdiagnoses were something that was happening often in this world. Psychologist or psychiatrist wanted to have their work done fast and get the money for it so they circled the first mental illness that could explain the patient's behaviour and moved onto another patient. 

I was never like that. As a psychologist who has the fate of serial killer in their hands, I couldn't be. Of course, what thoose people often made to their victims was not anything pretty and it never will be. However, just because they commited gruesome crimes against someone else and just because they made the families of their victims suffer, it does not mean it's strictly their fault. They could be not fully sane while commiting the crime. 

Psychologist for ciminals should always have the objective point fo view. They should never let their feelings or morals stand in the way. Just because morally some people think that a serial killer deserves to die, that does not mean the psychologist should act on thoose morals. 

One word from her and one of her signatures could make Ares stand in front of the judge, having the verdict of death sentence. Lethal injection while the families of victims and press could come and watch him in his last moment, standing in front of "justice" or atleast in front of something thoose people thought is justice. 

In my eyes, if person is meantlly ill and not completely sane while commiting their crimes, they do not deserve to die. They can not stop what's going on in their mind. It's not their fault that they are mentally sick. 

I do not want to make a mistake. I know that the crimes Ares commited were gruesome, taking other peoples lifes. The murderer scene pictures playing in my mind while remembering. But I know that I need to push my morals and my own thoughts out of the way if I do not want to make a mistake. 

His death sentence can be given as fast as I can sign the papers of his sanity while commiting theese crimes, however, if I sign them with knowledge of him being mentally ill and unstable, knowing he was not completely sane while commiting them, I would need to live with the reality of having his fate, his death, on my own consience and I do not want that. 

I'm decided to do my job right. If I have even the smallest feeling of him not being mentally okay, I will not sent him in front of judge to let him have a death sentence. 

Screaming woke me up from my thoughts. I scrunched my eyebrows, not understanding what's happening. I stood up and went outside to find out what's happening. There was a patient that was being agreesive so he needed to be dragged out of the office. Two guards were holding him by forearms while he was thrashing in their grips agressively. I saw that the guards have the situation under control and turned around to get back into my office. 

Big mistake. Just as I was about to go inside, the patient agresively trashed once more, freed himself from the grip of his guards and focused his gaze on me with a cold look in his eyes. He started his run to me with a determined look in his face without me knowing. 

Before I could do something to get myself safe, he got behind me, showed his cuffed hands around my throat and put pressure on it. He had the upper hand. If he wanted, he could easily suffocate me without any problem. The cold metal of chain against my throat sent fear into my mind.

"Do not come any closer." the voice of the man was loud and clear. He was making sure everyone knew that he has the upper hand. If they do not want to see me killed, they should listen to him and find a safe way to get me out of this situation. 

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