1. Chapter

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My heels were clicking against the pavement. Institution for dangerous and mentally different criminals. The name isn't the best. It does the exact opposite to what it's meant to. 

The name of the institutuion should be more polite. The part with "mentally different" is actually screaming words like insane or psycho which isn't the best way to keep the prisoned criminals calm. Some hate being called psycho or insane and some actually love it. They take it as praise. 

 The clicking of my heels stops as I stand in front of the big metal gate. I breath in and look to my left. A guard sleeping in small cabin. I sigh. How can this be the most guarded and safe place for keeping the most dangerous criminals? 

The door of institution open. A man in his fifties comes out with big steps. I recognize him as Mr. Johnson. The director of institution. He's trying to mask his anger by keeping his face calm but I can see his clenched jaw and the pressure. 

He gets to the cabin. "You better be kidding me!" he says in authoritative loud voice, making the sleeping guard stand up straight. 

"Mr. Johnson." he tries to act like he wasn't sleeping but he obviously knows he fucked up. Mr. Johnos points his head in my direction. "Let Miss Moore inside." After few second a beeping sound can be heard and the gate slowly starts to open. 

I confidently walk inside and stop, hearing the gate behind me closing. I kept eye contact with Mr. Johnson and he smiled at me. I kept my face professional and gave him a tight lipped smile. "Welcome to the Institution for dangerous and mentally different criminals Miss Moore." I noded my head. 

"Good evening Mr. Johnson." I greeted my new boss. He motions to the main entrance with his hand and we strarted walking towards it. 

"I'm sure you know with who you're gonna be working?"  Mrs. Johnson asked. I again noded my head waiting for his next words. "I need to warn you Miss Moore. Ares is one of the most dangerous criminals we have here. Through your sessions, he will have his hands and ankles cuffed to table. It's a safety measurement. There's a red button under your desk and there would be four guards outside. If anything happens, push the button, if you can't, scream. " 

"On interview, you told me that there would be two guards inside." I stated the fact. This was written in the contract as one of the rules. 

"Miss Moore." he looked nervous to which I scrunched my eybrows at him for a second. " You know, Ares declined to go to thoose sessions if there will be guard inside the room." he scratched his head as he pinged his acess card and opened the door for me. 

I stopped and turned to look at him. I wanted to ask him if he thinks that it's okay to let the criminal made decision but I stopped myself. It's my first day and I can't say anything if I want to have my job. So I let out a breath I was holding, nodded my head and steped inside. 

After what felt like eternity, walking thoose long white hallways, we stepped in a therapy section wing. "This is the place where your office is Miss Moore. Follow me."

He again used card to open the glass door and went inside the wing. There were officers standing in front of many doors which I understood meant that they were having a sesion. At the end of the hall, the last door on the left. There was already a plate on the door with my name. 

Mr. Johnson turned to me. "Here's your keycard. As psychologist, your keycard works on the front gate, on this section of the institute, on your office and on free rooms where you can spend your time with collegaues if you don't have a session or work at the moment. Everything here's is secured and you can't get anywhere without the keycard so be extremely carefull and don't loose it." he instructed me and as I reply, I only nodded with a stoic look, still displeased at the fact that I will be sitting alone with a criminal. 

"I wish you good luck Miss Moore." he turned to go away but stopped. 

"Ares's folder is on your table. Read it before your first session. There's also a time table of your session with him. If anything changes, you will be one of the first ones to know. Your first session starts in 2 hours." he ended and continued walking. I let out the breath I was holding and opened my office door and stepped inside. 

The first thing I saw was the white metal table in the middle with one chair on each side. Behind it, there was a big white bookeshelf that was empty.  There was no window in the office, the only source of light is the lamp. I put my bag on the small couch that was on left side, put the file on my table and sat down, ready to read it.

 Patient's name: Ares Drakos

Know as: Sphinx

Sex: Male 

Age: 24  (19 December 1998)

Health records: None 

Crime: Murder

Victims:  (6)

Laura Browning

Maddox Tanner

Alia Sherman

Ricardo Boyd

Blaine Joseph

Delaney Trevino

Past: Grew up in Greece, with both loving parents. Never shown any singns of being mentally ill or different as a child. Could understand and feel emotions. No signs of psychosis or hallucinations. Was a good kid, non-problematic. 

Psychologist report:  Patient's victims don't have any similiarities to conect them together. Patient does not have any preference in victims. All murderes were commited the same way. Known as Sphinx- before he killed his victims, he made them answer a riddle. If they were wrong - he killed them. 

Last therapist: Delanney Trevino -killed by Ares. 


Was patient completely sane while performing murderes : 

The last two rows were empty. It was my job to get answers to them. He has no known diagnosis because his first and only therapist was killed by him. The judge needs to know if he was sane while commiting his crimes. 

If completely sane people commit theese kind of crimes, they are either sentenced to life in prison or to death sentence. However, if the person who commited crime is stated as someone who was not completely sane during the commiting of the crime, they can not be sentenced to death or to life in prison. 

About his crime inside the institute, no one knows why he commited it. The only thing was an audio. He had asked her a riddle. There was a page about the murder of his therapist. How old she was, her photo, but importantly, the scene that happened and the riddle he asked her. 

"I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will, and yet, I am the confidence of all who live and breathe. What am I?"

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